澳門之旅 2009
澳門之旅 2009
小朋友們的暑假很快便要結束, 在新學年開始之前我們一家扶老幼一起到澳門及廣州度過了一個愉快的假期.
只是天氣太酷熱, 小朋友們最喜歡的活動還是到酒店泳池游水!
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
在暑假完畢前, 相約多時的家庭小小音樂會終於在星期日舉行了.
瞳瞳快樂地與威廉合奏了多首樂曲. 其中一首是聖桑 "動物嘉年華" 中的第五首"大笨象". 雖然家中沒有低音提琴與瞳瞳合奏, 但也可與大提琴合奏"小笨象"吧!
另一首則是巴哈的 'Menuet in G'
American Patrol March by F. W. Meacham
continue reading "小小音樂會"
在暑假完畢前, 相約多時的家庭小小音樂會終於在星期日舉行了.
瞳瞳快樂地與威廉合奏了多首樂曲. 其中一首是聖桑 "動物嘉年華" 中的第五首"大笨象". 雖然家中沒有低音提琴與瞳瞳合奏, 但也可與大提琴合奏"小笨象"吧!
另一首則是巴哈的 'Menuet in G'
American Patrol March by F. W. Meacham
25th Anniversary Recital by Jeffie Leung and Her Students
“What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.”
Soren Kierkegaard
春風化雨廿五載, 桃李滿門的梁老師總是以上面這句話來勉勵自己, 作為音樂老師, 她音樂的喜愛與熱誠相信比她技術上的教導對學生的影响更深遠!
恭喜! 恭喜! 看到大家的演出非常精釆, 可喜可賀啊!
每次聽到老師和同學們高歌, 總感到心癢癢的. 只是自己興趣實在太多, 無法兼顧. 現在也只好再休息一會!
沙發般的音樂 - Satie
沙發般的音樂 - Satie
薩提Erik Satie (1866 - 1925)是位法國有名的怪怪作曲家, 一生懷才不遇, 作品一直不無法獲得社會正面的評價. 他由於受夠了德奧音樂文以載道的大帽子, 一向主張音樂就跟沙發, 椅子, 壁紙沒什麼兩樣, 實用就好, 跟什麼精神提昇, 靈性昇華沒有關係. 就好像你看到一張舒服的沙發, 只會想躺在上面, 不會去想到靖康恥, 猶未雪, 我們還躺在兒幹什麼. 至於什麼向命運吶喊, 什麼神性, 使命之類的口號, 更讓 Satie 噁心不已. 所以 Satie 終一生反華格納甚力, 不但對德奧音樂沒好感, 甚至在法國音樂圈內, 因其特立獨行, 也常與眾人扞格不入. 雖然如此, 歷經時空轉換,薩堤的音樂不但沒有隨著時代落伍,反而在21世紀重新被喚醒,或許正因為這些不是正襟危坐時欣賞的音樂,薩堤的作品,總能在輕鬆自如中、勾勒出不可辨識的微笑。
近日嘗試學習彈奏Satie的Gymnopedie no.1. 就三首 Gymnopedie 均是他最享富盛名的曲子,作於1888年(22歲),其中以第一首最為有名。作曲家德布西 Debussy ,曾把第一首與第三首改編為管絃樂。關於這個奇怪的名字,Satie研究者也是議論紛紛。Gymnopedie是古希臘斯巴達每年為祭祀太陽神阿波羅而舉行的慶典,那時,老老少少的男人都必須跳舞,以討阿波羅的歡心。作曲家取這個名字的原因,據說是Satie看到一只希臘古瓶,而瓶上有關Gymnopedie祭典的花樣觸發了他的靈感,因此才以Gymnopedie為名。
讓大家以輕鬆心情, 隨性聽聽這首Gymnopedie, 有沒有像躺在一張很舒服的沙發上面, 薰薰欲睡, 嘴角泛起一絲微笑感覺呢?
(Source: www.wikipedia.org, http://blog.roodo.com/darylfet/archives/4757469.html ; Image link: http://www.inmagine.com/unn361/u19256500-photo)
continue reading "沙發般的音樂 - Satie"
薩提Erik Satie (1866 - 1925)是位法國有名的怪怪作曲家, 一生懷才不遇, 作品一直不無法獲得社會正面的評價. 他由於受夠了德奧音樂文以載道的大帽子, 一向主張音樂就跟沙發, 椅子, 壁紙沒什麼兩樣, 實用就好, 跟什麼精神提昇, 靈性昇華沒有關係. 就好像你看到一張舒服的沙發, 只會想躺在上面, 不會去想到靖康恥, 猶未雪, 我們還躺在兒幹什麼. 至於什麼向命運吶喊, 什麼神性, 使命之類的口號, 更讓 Satie 噁心不已. 所以 Satie 終一生反華格納甚力, 不但對德奧音樂沒好感, 甚至在法國音樂圈內, 因其特立獨行, 也常與眾人扞格不入. 雖然如此, 歷經時空轉換,薩堤的音樂不但沒有隨著時代落伍,反而在21世紀重新被喚醒,或許正因為這些不是正襟危坐時欣賞的音樂,薩堤的作品,總能在輕鬆自如中、勾勒出不可辨識的微笑。
近日嘗試學習彈奏Satie的Gymnopedie no.1. 就三首 Gymnopedie 均是他最享富盛名的曲子,作於1888年(22歲),其中以第一首最為有名。作曲家德布西 Debussy ,曾把第一首與第三首改編為管絃樂。關於這個奇怪的名字,Satie研究者也是議論紛紛。Gymnopedie是古希臘斯巴達每年為祭祀太陽神阿波羅而舉行的慶典,那時,老老少少的男人都必須跳舞,以討阿波羅的歡心。作曲家取這個名字的原因,據說是Satie看到一只希臘古瓶,而瓶上有關Gymnopedie祭典的花樣觸發了他的靈感,因此才以Gymnopedie為名。
讓大家以輕鬆心情, 隨性聽聽這首Gymnopedie, 有沒有像躺在一張很舒服的沙發上面, 薰薰欲睡, 嘴角泛起一絲微笑感覺呢?
(Source: www.wikipedia.org, http://blog.roodo.com/darylfet/archives/4757469.html ; Image link: http://www.inmagine.com/unn361/u19256500-photo)
When Gounod met JS Bach
當法國著名浪漫主義作曲家古諾(C. Gounod, 1818-1893)遇上一百五十年前的德國巴洛克時期作曲家巴赫(J.S. Bach, 1685-1750)會有甚麼火花?
Ave Maria - 聖母頌
而這首亦是我"人生苦短-豎琴目標" 的第1首較認真的合奏曲目. 小提琴合奏大致尚可, 但長笛合奏就仍需努力, 皆因我巴赫的C大調前奏曲彈奏得太慢, 威廉會氣絕, 而且長笛聲量較大, 我需要較用力彈奏, 接手痛重臨, 人生苦短變得"更"短了!
背景音樂特別選了許可以二胡的演譯, 也引出中西樂合作的典範, 讓大家欣賞這首優美的樂曲!
Ave Maria
Gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Ave, ave dominus
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictus
Et benedictus fructus ventris
Ventris tuae, Jesus.
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Mater Dei
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Ora pro nobis
Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora mortis
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Ave Maria
Gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Maria, gratia plena
Ave, ave dominus
Dominus tecum
Benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictus
Et benedictus fructus ventris
Ventris tuae, Jesus.
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Mater Dei
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Ora pro nobis
Ora, ora pro nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora mortis
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Et in hora mortis nostrae
Ave Maria
Listen to a maiden's prayer!
Thou canst hear though from the wild,
Thou canst save amid despair.
Safe may we sleep beneath thy care,
Though banish'd, outcast and reviled -
Maiden! hear a maiden's prayer;
Mother, hear a suppliant child!
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria! undefiled!
The flinty couch we now must share
Shall seem this down of eider piled,
If thy protection hover there.
The murky cavern's heavy air
Shall breathe of balm if thou hast smiled;
Then, maiden! hear a maiden's prayer;
Mother, list a suppliant child!
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria! stainless styled!
Foul demons of the earth and air,
From this their wonted haunt exiled,
Shall flee before thy presence fair,
We bow us to our lot of care,
Beneath thy guidance reconciled;
Hear for a maid a maiden's prayer,
And for a father hear a child!
Ave Maria!
豎琴保養 - Harp maintenance

在香港購買豎琴其中一個重要的考慮是保養的問題, 香港天氣十分潮濕, 木製的樂器需要加陪照顧. 而且在香港很難找到一些參考書籍介紹豎琴結構. 記得自己的豎琴第一次斷絃的時侯, 連斷了的是哪一號數的絃線也不清楚呢!
幸好有了互聯網, 在網上發現"Venus Harp"的網站收錄了很清楚有關豎琴結構, 保養及維修的資料, 獲益良多!
但當然最有效的保養方法還是"keep it alive", 每天與它"談談情", 豎琴也自然閃耀出明亮的光釆!
Harp maintenance
Die Fledermaus 《蝙蝠》
在華麗的面具下,沒有美醜,也沒有富貴貧賤,王子可以是乞丐,乞丐也可以是王子......大家能夠身份大換轉當然成為劇作家的好題材,而小約翰·施特勞斯Johann Strauss, Jr. 的歌劇《蝙蝠》也是圍繞著一個化妝舞會的。
The Operetta Die Fledermaus was composed by Johann Strauss, Jr. based on the French Comedy "Le Reveillon" by Henri Meilhac & Ludovic Halevy with German libretto by Carl Haffner & Richard Genee. The story tells how Dr. Falke revenges on his friend Eisenstein, who made a practical joke on Falke leaving him sleeping in a bat costume in the town square after getting drunk. With branded Viennese elegance and sparkling orchestration, Strauss tied up the story with sweet melodies and soothing harmonies, interwoven with whimsical dialogues into a wild musical party that leaves the audience singing along and laughing out loud.
(Source: http://cityopera.hk/home/node/76)
Johann Strauss jr. - Die Fledermaus - "Mein Herr Marquis" (The Laughing song) sung by Edita Gruberova, one of my favourite soprano, in her 63 years old concert.
Mein Herr Marquis
Mein Herr Marquis, ein Mann wie Sie
Sollt’ besser das verstehn,
Darum rate ich, ja genauer sich
Die Leute anzusehen!
Die Hand ist doch wohl gar zo fein, hahaha
Dies Füsschen so zierlich und klein, hahaha
Die Sprache, die ich führe
Die Taille, die Tournüre,
Dergleichen finden Sie
Bei einer Zofe nie!
Gestehn müssen Sie fürwahr,
Sehr komisch dieser Irrtum war!
Ja, sehr komisch, hahaha,
Ist die Sache, hahaha.
Drum verzeihn Sie, hahaha,
Wenn ich lache, hahaha!
Ja, sehr komisch, hahaha
Ist die Sache, hahaha!
Sehr komisch, Herr Marquis, sind Sie!
Mit dem Profil im griech’schen Stil
Beschenkte mich Natur:
Wenn nicht dies Gesicht schon genügend spricht,
So sehn Sie die Figur!
Schaun durch die Lorgnette Sie dann, ah,
Sich diese Toilette nur an, ah
Mir scheint wohl, die Liebe
Macht Ihre Augen trübe,
Der schönen Zofe Bild
Hat ganz Ihr Herz erfüllt!
Nun sehen Sie sie überall,
Sehr komisch ist fürwahr der Fall!
Ja, sehr komisch, hahaha
Ist die Sache, hahaha
Drum verzeihn Sie, hahaha,
Wenn ich lache, hahaha!
Ja, sehr komisch, hahaha,
Ist die Sache, hahaha etc.
(English Traslation)
My dear marquis, a man like you
Should better understand that,
Therefore, I advise you to look more
Closely at people!
This hand is surely far too fine, hahaha
This foot so dainty and small, hahaha.
The manner of speaking which I have,
My waist, my bustle,
These would never be found
On a lady’s maid!
You really must admit,
This mistake was very comical!
Yes, very comical, hahaha,
Is this matter, hahaha.
So pardon me, hahaha,
If I laugh, ha ha ha!
Yes, very comical, hahaha,
Is this matter, hahaha!
You are very comical, Marquis!
With this profile in Grecian style
Being a gift of nature;
If this face doesn’t say enough,
Just look at my figure!
Just look through your lorgnette, ah
At this outfit, ah
It seems to me that love
Has clouded your eyes,
The image of your chambermaid
Has quite filled your heart!
Now you see her everywhere,
This is truly a very comic situation!
Yes very comical, hahaha
Is this matter, ha ha ha ,
So pardon me , ha ha ha,
If I laugh, ha ha ha!
Yes very comical, ha ha ha,
Is this matter, ha ha ha , etc.
[ Mein Herr Marquis Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com/ ]
人生實在有太多包袱, 只能在假面下才能釋放自己. 在互聯網上大家都能盡情利用不同身份與人交往, 或許這就是現代的"假面舞會"!
威尼斯面具嘉年華,每年舉辦的日期都不盡相同,大致上會在聖灰星期三(Ash Wednesday)前10天舉行,嘉年華活動期間,聖馬可廣場上搭起了一個伸展台,提供所有愛秀的人上台表演,再由觀眾票選出年度面具與服裝造型大獎,在這個伸展台上你將會看到所有最美、最醜、也最怪的面具造型。
The Venice Carnival is the largest and most important Venetian festival.
The Carnival has very old origins. It is a festival that celebrates the passage from winter into spring, a time when seemingly anything is possible, including the illusion where the most humble of classes become the most powerful by wearing masks on their faces. The official start of the Venice Carnival dates back to 1296, when the Senate of the Republic made the Carnival official with an edict declaring the day before Lent a public holiday.
The Carnival of Venice (Italian: Carnevale di Venezia) is an annual festival, held in Venice, Italy
Carnival starts around two weeks before Ash Wednesday and ends on Shrove Tuesday (Fat Tuesday or Mardi Gras), the day before Ash Wednesday.
What are Venetian Masks?
Venetian masks have a long history of protecting their wearer's identity during promiscuous or decadent activities. Made for centuries in Venice, these distinctive masks were formed from papier-mâché and wildly decorated with fur, fabric, gems, or ribbons. Eventually, Venetian masks re-emerged as the emblem of Carnevale, a pageant and street fair celebrating hedonism.
Venetian masks emerged in a climate of cultural and religious repression during the Medieval era in Italy. People donned the colorful masks to free themselves from judging neighbors, all of whom knew each other in such a small city. The gentry class and peasants alike sought anonymity for promiscuity, gambling, and other indiscretions. Even the clergy were known to dress up to go dancing.
近日因買了一部高速的雙面scanner, 家裏一些舊文件及書籍都通通被scan. 連藏在床底多年的珍藏也無一幸免,也須要檢討應否scan了它們。

記得它們是我們非常努力在廣州購買的,其實預備論文只需要數本便可,但他太喜歡這套書籍,於是大量買了下來,希望可以在退休後慢慢閱讀, 還說把它們放在家中當牆紙都藉得!!!
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