
Learning English Websites - through listening to news and speeches

I remember when I attended a course on 'Speak correct English'.  The tutor recommended several good websites that we can listen and practice more on English native speaker's intonation. 

Here below I included some for sharing...

1.  From RTHK:  This is a website which have some famous speeches recording and text.


2. From BBC: (You can learn English through listening to the news and film scripts)



Interestingly it also has a BBC CHINA version:


2 則留言:

  1. From the description on this RTHK programme, it is a web online programme called " 香港電台網上廣播站 「 網上學習e-Learning 」, 推出的項目 Speaking Better English Online,  由2001年8月26日開始,連續9個星期,每周推出一篇精彩演說,影音文本兼備。
