e-Sword - An excellent Bible study software
近日威廉在網上發現了這個近乎完美的聖經學習軟件, 可是它只可以在PC或PDA上使用, 暫未有iPhone版本. 如你對研習聖經感興趣或是神學生, 這個確是一個不可缺少的工具! 
e-Sword是一個免費的聖經學習軟件,其中包括各種語文的不同翻譯(如KJV, ISV, 和合本, 希臘原文, 等等) 。 而最吸引的當你閱讀任何特定的經文, 它可以將經文很容易地串連到不同的評論和字典。 還有各種各樣的附加文獻可用(如類似荒漠世泉的靈修書籍) ,及支援許多不同的語言。還可在同一時間閱讀及不同的翻譯(最多4個) 。
Review on features
The main translation that is missing in eSword is the NIV, due to copyright issues. It has the English Standard Version, which is a very good translation, as well as many more (including ASV, ISV, MKJV, KJV). It also has various other languages, and has Greek & Hebrew versions should you wish to delve deeper.
Compared to online options, it is therefore lacking in bible translations.
Commentaries and Dictionaries
As with the bibles, there are some you can purchase and some you can get free with eSword. The best free commentaries are John Gill’s exposition, Mathew Henry’s commentary, John Wesley’s notes and The Treasures of David (on the psalms by Charles Spurgeon). There are a fair few dictionaries too, with Easton’s Strong’s and Smith’s bible dictionaries providing good resources.
You can also download various other stuff such as daily devotionals, maps, books and STEP “Standard Template for Electronic Publishing”.
It is worth looking at all of the free downloads, to see which you prefer and feel add value to your studies. Most of these are quite old (i.e. 100 years!), as the copyrights have expired. However don’t let that put you off, they are really valuable and rich resources and have helped me immensely with my studies.
Ease of use etc.
eSword is very easy to use, and this is a huge selling point. It easy to install the software and the various module. The whole menu system is also easy to understand and use too.
You can search either by using the drop down list on the side of the program, or by typing in a reference. Both work well. You can also search for keywords.
The best 11 free iPhone bibles!
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Ding Ding, 謝謝分享! 曾使用 PDA版本聖經,有一有趣經驗… 當沒有足夠電力,便不能看聖經了… 研讀聖經,還是使用書本好。至少天主不會因沒有電力而走遠了!