音樂中的浮士德 - 魔鬼的顫音
當我第一次欣賞這首風格與其他巴羅克時期有很大分別的小提琴樂曲時, 便深深地被它給引, 後來了解了它的故事, 或許我較與魔鬼投緣一點!
傳說在1713年塔替尼(Giuseppe Tartini 1692-1770)夢見自己把靈魂出賣給了魔鬼。 這首樂曲是他在夢中與魔鬼交換而來,他看見魔鬼坐在他的床尾, 據稱塔替尼真的願意像浮士德那樣把靈魂交給魔鬼,只要讓他再聽一次魔鬼的顫音,「他願意折斷他的提琴,永永遠遠地背棄音樂。」
雖然他夢醒之後, 立刻著手寫下了記憶中的樂曲片斷, 但仍與魔鬼的演奏全然無法相比, 最後這些片斷便成了《魔鬼的顫音》小提琴奏鳴曲。
1798年,在塔替尼死後28年後, 這首奏鳴曲的作曲稿才在巴黎第一次被發現。
Tartini Violin Sonata in G minor (Devil's Trill)
The story behind "Devil's Trill" starts with a dream. Tartini allegedly told the French astronomer Jérôme Lalande that he dreamed that The Devil appeared to him and asked to be his servant. At the end of their lessons Tartini handed the devil his violin to test his skill—the devil immediately began to play with such virtuosity that Tartini felt his breath taken away. When the composer awoke he immediately jotted down the sonata, desperately trying to recapture what he had heard in the dream. Despite the sonata being successful with his audiences, Tartini lamented that the piece was still far from what he had heard in his dream. What he had written was, in his own words: "so inferior to what I had heard, that if I could have subsisted on other means, I would have broken my violin and abandoned music forever." It was believed to have been a song that was played in heaven but was banished for its negativity against God. It is also believed that if you played it your soul would belong to the devil forever. In other words, it is believed that this is one of the hardest pieces ever written for the violin, featuring many different skills the violinist must master in order to play it skillfully.
(Source: www.wikipedia.org)
Giuseppe Tartini's 'Devil's Trill' played by Sophia Mutter.
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