


謝謝聲樂老師的悉心安排, 農曆新年後迎來蛇年第一個音樂會.
日期:2025年2月16日 星期日

看到不同年紀的同學都十分努力學習, 準備演出, 叮叮都要加把勁努呀!

經過數年重拾學習聲學後, 叮叮終於能夠實現其中一個唱歌夢想, 就是終於能夠分享一些叮叮十分喜歡, 但比較困難, 被叮叮定位為"可夢而不可織"的樂曲.  

其中一首就是今次演出的德伏扎克(捷克語:Antonín Leopold Dvořák)的樂曲Song to the moon (Rusalka).

The lyrics:

Mesiku na nebi hlubokem                O moon high up in the deep, deep sky,
Svetlo tvé daleko vidi,                       Your light sees far away regions,
Po svete bloudis sirokém,                 You travel round the wide,
Divas se v pribytky lidi.                    Wide world peering into human dwellings

Mesicku, postuj chvili                        O, moon, stand still for a moment,
reckni mi, kde je muj mily                Tell me, ah, tell me where is my lover!

Rekni mu, stribmy mesicku,            Tell him. please, silvery moon in the sky,
me ze jej objima rame,                      That I am hugging him firmly,
aby si alespon chvilicku                    That he should for at least a while
vzpomenul ve sneni na mne.           Remember his dreams!

Zasvet mu do daleka,                          Light up his far away place,
rekni mu, rekni m kdo tu nan ceka!  Tell him, ah, tell him who is here waiting!

O mneli duse lidska sni,                      If he is dreaming about me,
at'se tou vzpominkou  vzbudi!           May this remembrance waken him!
Mesicku, nezhasni, nezhasni!            O, moon, don't disappear, disappear!

Translation by Jules Brunelle (brunellejules@videotron.ca)

