



今天大出血!  威廉嚷着要買摺叠單車.  我們終於吃完自助餐後去了又一城買了這部單車, 幸好發現它體積不太, 就算玩悶了收藏在家也不難.
但跟據威廉在公園踏單車後的描述, 因單車車輪很細, 效率不高.  踏這部單車頗費力, 他踏完十分鍾後現在已呼呼大睡了!
本應將我踏單車的英姿上載給大家分享, 可昰我暫未能好好控制它, 大家只好暫時欣賞威廉踏單車的模樣吧!  他說真無奈, 老婆玩Blog連自己也要出塲!  他說可不可以在臉上打格仔, 可惜我未懂這種技術, 所以答應了他遲一會兒會删除它的, 所以下星期將沒有這套短片看了, 請大家快快欣賞!!!

We bought a folding bike this Sunday, this bike is claimed to be the world's smallest and lightest folding bicycle.  We played for a short while at a park nearby. 
Originally, I would like to take a video clip to share my cycling experience, however,  as I could not control the bike properly, I could only upload William's one for sharing.
William asked whether I can mask his face in the clip.  Unfortunately, it would take me  some time to catch up this technology and he had to tolerate for a while.  Hence, I promised him to take down this video clip next week so if you wish to browse it, you have to do it quick!!!

