

日期: 2007年7月14日(星期六)

地點: 銅鑼灣警官俱樂部

這是第46屆校友會聚餐,  亦是我們一班老同學第一次參加這樣的活動.   最特別的是同學用手提電話聯絡上在加拿大的老師, 我們在電話中互相問好, 說說笑笑的,  彷彿她也來了聚餐一樣.  現在的電子科技, 令人與人的關係密切了許多.  "天涯若彼鄰", 果真沒錯啊!

對我這個插班生, 為免再次忘記校歌歌詞,現在記下它, 亦希望與大家重溫這首優美的曲詞:
School song:
Here again we gather together,
Under the banner of Shau Kei Wan.
Vow to ourselves, in the spirit of the Dolphins,
To love truth, to seek knowledge,
And to brave danger,
For the good of our fellow beings.

Arts and Science we explore we explore,
Honour and Conduct we treasure more,
To one another we pledge to be loyal,
We pledge to be loyal, we pledge to be true,
With fervour and friendship we enrich our soil.

Houses four we all stand together,
Dragon Lion Phoenix and Unicorn,
To one family we all belong.
When and where, When and Where,
S. G. S. S. appears, appears.
We'll uphold its name loud and clear!
We'll uphold its name loud and clear!

3 則留言:

  1. 非常開心的聚會呀 !  好正的blog !  Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks Caveman!  Looking forward to seeing more good photos in your blog.

  3. 真的難得 .........和中學同學聚會
