
Minerva Verde Princess Harp

The Minerva Verde Princess harp

在星期二"Queen of Harps"的音樂會中, 除了能夠欣賞Catrin Finch的超凡技術外, 另外的收穫要算是欣賞這座金碧輝煌的古典豎琴.  這座帶有皇室名字的豎琴配上擁有Royal Harpist 稱號的Catrin, 實在是完美的配答啊!

這種常於音樂會看到的踏瓣豎琴是由19世紀初(西元1810年)法國鋼琴製造家艾瑞爾德(Sabastien Erard)引進設計的現代化豎琴,外形同樣是倒立的三角形,木製結構,下方有個底座,直立柱子,上方的橫樑呈彎曲線條,是琴身之頸,連伸圓肚形的發聲共鳴箱,有47條不同長度的弦由橫樑拉到共鳴板,底座有七個瓣,分別C.D.E.F.GA.B,每一個踏瓣控制它裡面所有的音,如C踏瓣就控制所有的 C音,可升可降,任何調性皆可彈奏。琴弦在高音部位是尼龍弦,中間是羊腸弦,低音區則使用鋼弦,一共六個八度加上最高五個音,它的音色比愛爾蘭豎琴更豐厚圓潤。

(Source: http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/6/6/12/n1347168.htm)


The Minerva Verde Princess harp, of which there are only 2 in the world, will be the featured instrument for this performance. The Minerva Verde Princess is a concert Grande, 47 string, museum and invest quality instrument which prior to this performance held a place of honor in the Victor Salvi harp museum in Italy. This harp features hand carving and intricate gilding along with a special Birdseye maple veneer and hand applied stain that allows the grain of the wood to be visible.

(Source: http://www.harp.hk/news.php)

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