
Wiener MusikSeminar 2018 (2) - 學習篇

Wiener MusikSeminar 2018 (2) - 學習篇

約兩星期的課程由17/7 至 29/7結束。雖然得到以前聲樂老師鼓勵參加,但對已有十年停學聲樂的叮叮,在短短兩個月準備十首樂曲上課仍然感到很大壓力。幸好遇上了幾位同學一起上課,互相扶持,讓這兩星期的學習變得輕鬆愉快。



這兩個星期的學習經驗難得,老師還給了功課讓叮叮今年努力練習, 叮叮會以“孔子學琴”的精神努力學習! 同學們還相約明年再一起進修呢!

老師 Victoria Loukianetz 的小擋案

(Source: http://www.musikseminar.at/en/component/musikseminar/?view=class&id=689)

Victoria Loukianetz (Ukrainian: Вікторія Лук'янець, formal transliteration Viktoriya Lukyanets) (born 20 November 1966) is a Ukrainian-born operatic soprano with an active career singing leading roles at the Vienna State Opera, La Scala, and other European opera houses. She has also appeared in leading roles at the Metropolitan Opera in New York City.

She was born in Kiev and graduated in solo singing from the R. Glier Kyiv Institute. At the Vienna State Opera she has specialised in bel canto roles including leading soprano roles in Linda di Chamounix, I puritani, La traviata, Rigoletto, L'elisir d'amore, The Barber of Seville, and The Magic Flute.

1989 – became a soloist of the National Opera of Ukraine.[5]
1994 – became a soloist of the Vienna State Opera
December 1995 – made her house debut at La Scala
1999 – was awarded the title of "Person of the Year" in the nomination of «Culture and Art».
2001 – was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

