樹的故事 - 團花樹 (Anthocephalus chinensis)
這棵樹是Anthocephalus chinensis(團花樹) , 並已在香港成功著陸。這樹的生長速度真是了不起。在二年內可以再長高4 – 5 米。大片的葉子、直立的樹身加上明顯的主幹塑造成一棵美麗的樹木。
我相信余先生會繼續努力讓各位在迪士尼的主題區域內觀賞到更多美麗的樹木和園境。愛樹的人, 一起努力吧!
(照片和資料提供: 香港迪士尼樂園園藝事務經理余立安)
This graceful Anthocephalus chinensis tree has landed in Hong Kong successfully. Please enjoy the marvelous pictures shown above.
The rate of growth is stunning. It can grow more than 4-5 meters in 2 years time. The big leave tree is very beautiful with dominant leader and straight trunk. You can find them in our AdventureLand easily. The file attached tells you more about this tree.
I'm sure Simon will continue to let us enjoy more beautiful trees and landscape in Disney attractions.
(Photos and information are provided by Mr. Simon Yu, Horticulture Services Manager (Arboriculture), Hong Kong Disneyland)
閃亮的提琴(二) - Glittering Cello
剛剛發現除了小提琴外, 日本還製造了玻璃的大提琴. 可惜網站沒有這次演奏的片段. 不知道音色如何. 這大提琴是由Hario玻璃有限公司25位工匠花了一年研製, 價值達 152,000美元. 這玻璃大提琴重11kg, 較3kg的傳統木製大提琴重許多.
http://www.hario.com/whatsnew/cello.html 按 「ガラスのチェロ」製造工程
I've just learnt that besides glass violin, Japanese also manufactured a glass cello. Unfortunately, the video clip of the above recital was not posted on the website, we cannot appreciate the tone colour of it. This cello is made by Hario Glass Co. Ltd. and took 25 glass makers a year to make the instrument. It is valued at $152,000. This cello weighs approximately 11Kg as compared with wooden cello of only about 3Kg.
You may visit the following website to see the making process of glass cello:
(Picture from http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/dip?m=/n/pictures/2004/12/14/glass10.jpg&f=/g/archive/2004/12/14/dip.DTL)
海洋生態攝影比賽- Marine Life of Hong Kong
剛接到香港潛水運動學會通知, 漁護署現正舉行
香港大會堂 6月16日至27日
荃灣大會堂 7月 7日至16日
沙田大會堂 8月 7日至18日
大提琴巨匠(三) - Bach Cello Suites (The Music Garden) 馬友友的巴哈靈感
這構思是由大提琴家馬友友提出, 他利用巴赫組曲作一個起點, 與其他類別的藝術家作一個全新的藝術交流及取得共同的見解和靈感. 第一組曲是與園境設計師合作的"音樂花園" 而第二組曲則是與建築師合作的 "建築的聲音" 等等.
在第一組曲中, 馬友友與園境設計師茱莉摩爾梅瑟薇以巴哈音樂所衍生的靈感,一同在波士頓市中心打造一座真實的花園。從構思,設計,籌款到拍攝演出,兩位主角相互激盪,創造出古典音樂的全新風貌。而百變馬友友也將以各種姿態融入大自然之中,似乎他就是花園的主人,按時栽種園中的花朵,並為現代人描繪出理想城市的藍圖。
(Photo source: http://shopping.g-music.com.tw/ECProduct.aspx?ProductID=5099706320326)
Yo-Yo Ma, having inspired by Bach's cello suites, has collaborated with artists from different disciplines to create these new works.
Each Bach suite serves as a starting point for a completely new work in the particular artist's medium and art form. For instance, he worked with a Landscape Architect to create "The Music Garden" in Boston for Suite no.1, and with an Architect to create "The sound of the Carceri" for Suite no.2.
The Music Garden in Boston is an exploration of the beauty of Bach's Suite no.1 by playing the suite through the landscape design of a formal garden, the "musical instrument" of the Landscape Architect, Julie Moir Messervy. Her performance is throughout the DVD accompanied by Yo-Yo Ma's performance of the same suite on the Cello. They together have bought their dream of the Music Garden to life.
(Source: http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/yoyo.html)
南丫島一遊 - A day in Lamma Island
今天早上我離開家時天仍是下雨. 但當我們抵達南丫島時, 天氣變得好了許多. 在整個行程中, 連一滴雨也沒有從天上掉下來 . 它讓我想起'希望在明天'的電視廣告 . 也許, 我們在生活上也應該保持這顆希望的心 .
我們還發現了樹葉上有雨後閃閃 !
A day in Lamma Island
I have taken a holiday today to have a walk with my mom and dad in Lamma Island. Last night, I was so worried about the weather and I asked my dad to see if we should change the iternary. He said "You just keep a grateful heart and the weather will be fine tomorrow."
It was still raining when I left home this morning, but the weather became much better when we arrived at Lamma. Throughout the whole journey, not a single drop of rain had fallen from the sky. It reminded me the TV advertisement that "Your hope will come true tomorrow'. Maybe, we should all fill our hearts with hope in our daily lives.
當我發現BBC出版了一系列莎士比亞戲劇的DVD, 我實在要謝謝現代科技。沒有它, 恐怕我這樣的文學文盲是無法完成閱讀一本莎士比亞名劇的 。
哈姆雷特是我第二套購買的話劇。 雖然裏面的古英語的確讓我有點却步, 幸好電影有中文字幕幫忙, 我最後仍然能很愉快地欣賞這部話劇。 原本我只覺得總要一看莎翁的四大悲劇, 但意料之外, 話劇的內容實在寫得太出色傳神, 連我這樣對文學一竅不通也深受感動。 以前我對哈姆雷特的印象, 就只有 "To be or not to be: that is the question" 這一句獨白。 看了戲後, 我發現以下的一段獨白印象最深。這是描述一個曾殺害自己兄弟而得到王位的國王內心的爭扎,懺悔。 一個無法尋求神赦免的人心中的悲歌。 這段自白是那麼真摯和無助, 而讓人心痛...
啊, 我的罪行之惡臭, 已貫沖雲霄。
它負帶著元古最初之詛咒: 一樁殺害兄弟之暴行。
我無法祈禱, 雖然我真心的想如此去做;
就如一人面臨兩方抉擇而猶豫, 不知應先去做那個較好,
倘若我這可憎的雙手已沾滿了厚厚的一層弟兄之鮮血, 那麼,
難道那甜美的天堂裡就無足夠的甘霖能夠把它洗得雪白? 難道老天的慈悲不是用來寬恕人之罪惡? 也難道人們祈禱並不是為了它的雙重力量:
防止世人陷於罪惡, 並赦免已犯之罪人?
我的罪行既犯, 那我應如何的去祈禱才能獲得赦免?
『請求赦免我狠毒之殺人罪』嗎? 那是不可能的,
假如一罪人仍擁有著他犯罪所得之贓物, 那他還能被赦免嗎? 在這腐敗的世界裡, 一個富有的犯人往往能用不名之財來賄賂官方,
獲得寬赦。 在天堂裡可是不能這樣的, 因為那裡無貪污這回事;
在那裡, 僅有真相才是事實。 到那時, 我們將被迫為我們的一切過失作證,
那怎麼辦? 我還能有什麼別的選擇呢?
但是對一個無法懺悔之人來說, 它又有何用?
唉, 這真是個糟糕的情況! 啊, 我的心黑如死!
我的靈魂已被綁縛, 它愈掙扎, 被綁縛的愈緊。
救我呀, 天使們, 請盡您們的力量!
屈跪罷, 我這頑固的雙膝;
我還是有希望獲得善果的。(Source: www.sle.usc.edu.tw/pth/files/哈姆雷特劇本.doc)
Hamlet from Shakespeare
When I walked around a book shop, I found that BCC had produced the whole series of Shakespeare's plays in DVD. O thanks to modern technology, without it, I'm afraid a literature idiot like me would never manage to complete a Shakespeare's play.
Hamlet is the second Shakespeare's play I saw. Although such antique English really makes me a bit frustrating, I still enjoy it very much with Chinese subtitle. Originally, I felt obliged to see this play just because it's so famous. But after three hours of struggle, I finally found that it had been so well written that even a Science freak like me can be deeply moved by it. "To be or not to be: that is the question!" was the only solioquy I know about Hamlet before watching the play, but it was the following paragraph which touches me most after watching it. It is the lament of the king who has killed his brother to get the throne and the queen. It describes the inner struggle and repentance of a man who cannot ask for God's mercy. It is so helpless and heartbreaking...
Abstract from Act 3 Scene 3 - A room in the castle
King Claudius:-
Thanks, dear my lord.
O, my offence is rank it smells to heaven;
It hath the primal eldest curse upon't,
A brother's murder. Pray can I not,
Though inclination be as sharp as will:
My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent;
And, like a man to double business bound,
I stand in pause where I shall first begin,
And both neglect. What if this cursed hand
Were thicker than itself with brother's blood,
Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens
To wash it white as snow? Whereto serves mercy
But to confront the visage of offence?
And what's in prayer but this two-fold force,
To be forestalled ere we come to fall,
Or pardon'd being down? Then I'll look up;
My fault is past. But, O, what form of prayer
Can serve my turn? 'Forgive me my foul murder'?
That cannot be; since I am still possess'd
Of those effects for which I did the murder,
My crown, mine own ambition and my queen.
May one be pardon'd and retain the offence? In the corrupted currents of this world
Offence's gilded hand may shove by justice,
And oft 'tis seen the wicked prize itself
Buys out the law: but 'tis not so above;
There is no shuffling, there the action lies
In his true nature; and we ourselves compell'd,
Even to the teeth and forehead of our faults,
To give in evidence. What then? what rests?
Try what repentance can: what can it not?
Yet what can it when one can not repent?
O wretched state! O bosom black as death!
O limed soul, that, struggling to be free,
Art more engaged! Help, angels! Make assay!
Bow, stubborn knees; and, heart with strings of steel,
Be soft as sinews of the newborn babe!
All may be well.
近 日 在 朋 友 的 Blog 內 看 到 一 些 有 關 出 家 的 報 導 及 早 陣 子 談 及 了 些 折 字 的 謎 題 , 突 然 想 起 一 首 與 折 字 及 僧 佛 有 關 的 對 聯 與 大 家 分 享。
蘇 東 坡 、 蘇 小 妹 與 佛 印 常 常 互 比 才 情 的 故 事 , 流 傳 甚 多 。而 蘇 小 妹 才 思 敏 捷 , 悟 性 極 高 。
蘇 小 妹 曾 以 佛 印 太 愛 開 葷 笑 話 , 遂 出 一 上 聯 :
「 人 曾 是 僧 , 人 弗 能 成 佛 」 ;
「 人 曾 」 合 成 「 僧 」 字 , 「 人 弗 」 則 合 成 「 佛 」 字 , 意 思 是 你 只 能 當 和 尚 , 絕 不 可 成 佛 。
佛 印 對 曰 :
「 女 卑 為 婢 , 女 又 可 稱 奴 」 ;
「 女 卑 」 合 成 「 婢 」 字 , 「 女 又 」 合 成 「 奴 」 字 , 而 古 代 女 子 也 常 自 卑 稱 「 奴 家 」 。
( 節錄自蘋果日報 日期:2007年05月15日 李怡專欄 )
《藝術的故事》- Story of Art by E.H. Gombrich
近日逛書店發現 《藝術的故事》推出了2006年平裝版, 並用聖經紙版, 書皮封面非常的簡單, 但裡面的畫作印刷質感卻出奇的好而且輕了許多。於是雖然家中已有16版, 也將這輕巧的2006年平裝版買下來。
我認識這本書, 是在我就讀於愛丁堡的時候 . 有一天, 教授安排我來介紹法國印象派畫作. 作為一個理科生, 又沒有藝術的基礎知識, 這使我感到很擔心. 幸好班中的西班牙同學是美術系畢業, 他推薦這本書給我. 閱讀後我發現這本書很有趣, 文字是如此生動, 使我非常欣賞。
The Story of Art - E. H. Gombrich
"There really is no such thing as Art. There are only artists."
E. H. Gombrich from 'The Story of Art'
I knew this book when I was studying in Edinburgh. In year one of my study, I was assigned to prepare a presentation to introduce French Impressionism and it worried me a lot. Being a science student, I was absolutely blank on any art knowledge. Fortunately, a Spanish classmate, Joaquin, who had studied Fine Art in the college, recommended this book to me. As the book has direct and narrative style of writing, I've found it is very enjoyable of reading it and let me have a much clearer picture on the development of artworks.
The Story of Art is one of the most famous and popular books on art ever published. It started from the earliest cave paintings to the experimental art of today. Professor Gombrich combined his knowledge and wisdom with a unique gift for communicating directly his own deep love of the works of art he described.
(source: http://www.amazon.com/Story-Art-Pocket-E-H-Gombrich/dp/0714847038; www.wikipedia.org)
悠長假期-Long Vacation
(Photo source: http://www.icepoint.com/jdrama/longvacation.html)
現在香港韓風凌厲, 電視大都播放韓國連續劇。 我已經很久沒有看過日本電視劇了. 不知你是否還記得「悠長假期」。 直到現在, 這套仍是我最喜愛的電視劇, 而我仍然是木村拓哉的「小粉絲」. ..
我在另一個Blog中發現了U-Tube上有木村在最後鋼琴比賽的片段。 回看這片段, 木村當年也着實很年輕啊! 雖然我也買了這首歌的譜子. 但我只能夠成功完成他為南的生日彈奏的那首歌"Close to you"。
不知怎的, 十年後再次聽這鋼琴的聲音時 ,讓我想起了宋人蔣捷的詞 :「少年聽雨歌樓上 , 紅燭昏羅帳。壯年聽雨客舟中 ,江闊雲低斷雁叫西風。」 聽雨和聽琴聲一樣 : 「而今聽雨僧廬下,鬢已星星也。悲歡離合總無情,一任階前點滴到天明。」一種我們就是這樣長大的感覺。
大提琴巨匠(二) - Elgar Cello Concerto by Jacqueline du Pré

Jacqueline du pre五歲開始學習大提琴後, 己顯露了她的天份. 她十六歲已開始專業演出, 並被譽為世界上最有才華和出色的年輕音樂家. 可惜十年後, 幾乎在一夜之間, 她因多發性硬化症的影响, 被迫放下提琴. 從此經過十四年多與癱瘓病的糾纏後於年齡不到42歲時離世. 她的提琴達維多夫名琴現為馬友友演奏所用.
我在片中除了認識了這位著名的大提琴家, 也愛上了她演奏的 Elgar Cello Concerto.
Youtube 上有一段Jacqueline du Pre的紀錄:
Elgar Cello Concerto:
Great Cellist - Jacqueline du Pré.
(photo and movie introduction from: http://hk.geocities.com/connietyho/words_movie/hilary_n_Jackie.htm)
Jacqueline du Pre was a child prodigy. Even since she made her professional debut at 16, she was considered as one of the world's most talented and exciting young musicians. Unfortunately,she was forced to stop playing virtually overnight when multiple sclerosis removed the feeling in her hands just before a concert ten years later. She had suffered from this crippling disease for fourteen years before she died at the age of 42. She left her cello Davydov Stradivarius to Yo-Yo Ma.
Her legend had put on to a movie 'Hilliary and Jackie', which tells about the affection between she and her sister - Hilary du Pre. Hilary played the flute and Jackie the cello, both were talented. Then Jackie became famous at 16, she had to travel far away from home. She was lonely and missed her sister very much. Many people consider her dealth one of the greatest loss in musical world ever...
Jackeline Du Pre's official website: http://www.jacquelinedupre.net/
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