

今年生日非常特別和快樂,  有與威廉到海洋公園, 與朋友在香港唱K慶祝, 也有到胡志明市吃法國大餐.  實在多姿多采.  雖然已到中年, 但仍感到很幸福啊! 

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Vietnam Trip

Just returned from my trip to Vietnam and my friends gave me a wonderful birthday party in Ho Chi Ming.... 

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音樂劇: 西貢小姐-Miss Saigon

音樂劇: 西貢小姐-Miss Saigon


明天我將起程前住越南胡志明市吃喝玩樂一番,  突然想起多年前看過的這套有關越戰的音樂劇.其實自己很怕看悲劇,  但因看了Les Miserable, 太喜歡Schonberg 的作品, 所以也看了這套劇.  其中故事大綱太像意大利歌劇"蝴蝶夫人"了, 令我感到少了一份新鮮感, 但戲味卻較蝴蝶夫人濃烈許多.西貢小姐

西貢小姐是一部由克勞德-米歇爾·勛伯格(Claude-Michel Schonberg )與阿蘭·鮑伯利(Alain Boublil)共同創作的音樂劇。它講述的故事背景是20世紀70年代的西貢,一個越南女子與一位美國海軍的悲慘愛情故事。

Miss Saigon

Miss Saigon is a musical by Claude-Michel Schönberg and Alain Boublil, with lyrics by Boublil and Richard Maltby, Jr. It represented Schönberg and Boublil's second major success, following Les Misérables in 1980.

The Plot

The setting of the plot is relocated to the 1970s Saigon during the Vietnam War, it tells a tragic tale of a doomed romance involving an Vietnam woman abandoned by her American lover.

   (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miss_Saigon)

In the muscial, there is a duet that I love very much - 'I Still Believe'.  It shows both women (Kim - Vietnam wife and Ellen - American wife) are deeply in love with Chris.  When they both sung the last words 'I'm yours for life, until we die...', I felt really heartbreaking when I first saw this musical.  Let's enjoy it again in the video clip found in U-tube ...

I Still Believe

KIM: (The Vietnam wife Chris left behind during the war)
Last night I watched him sleeping, my body pressed to him.
And then he started speaking. The name I heard him speak was Kim...
Yes, I know that this was years ago, but when moonlight fills my room I know
you are here, still.

I still-  I still believe you will return. I know you will.
My heart against all odds holds still.
Yes, still, I still believe.
I know as long as I can keep believing,
I'll live. I'll live, love cannot die.
You will return, you will return,
and I alone know why...

ELLEN: (The new American wife after Chris returned from the war)
Last night I watched you sleeping.
Once more the nightmare came.
I heard you cry out something,
a word that sounded like a name.
And it hurts me more than I can bear
knowing part of you I'll never share,
never know.

But still-  I still believe the time will come
when nothing keeps us apart.
My heart forever more holds still.

It's all over I'm here, there is nothing to fear!
Chris, what's haunting you? Won't you let me inside
what you so want to hide. I need you too!

For still-  I will hold you all night
I will make it all right!
I still believe You are safe with me!
As long as I But I wish you would tell
what you don't want to tell, can keep believing
I'll live! what you hell must be
I'll live, You can sleep now.
you will return.(Kim)
You can cry now.(Ellen)
And I know why(Kim)  I'm your wife now(Ellen)
I'm yours for life

Untill we die

continue reading "音樂劇: 西貢小姐-Miss Saigon"


Old friends, old days...

It's been a long time since Stuart left the office.  It's great to find he hasn't changed much in these few years.  Of course, I have reserved the 'B&B' in Stuart's house when I visit England! 

Ten years after 1997, all the expartriates in the office have gone.  It's always memorable for those days which we have people came from difference parts of the world and have great sharing of different cultures. 

continue reading "Old friends, old days..."


威爾第的歌劇《茶花女》(La Traviata)

威爾第的歌劇《茶花女》(La Traviata)

最近因為看了Aida歌劇, 又再次掀起看歌劇的興趣.  每晚吃飯的時侯, 都選擇一套歌劇播放.  所以別人在追無線連續劇, 而我們就晚晚追歌劇.

這是近日新購買的茶花女DVD, 皆因威廉看中茶花女"年青貌美", 女高音中實屬難得!!!  


看後也感到這是一個很好的製作.  這是2005年在Salzburg Festival 中的演出, 除了兩位主角非常出色外, 我也很喜歡它的舞台設計和表達方法.   尤其在第二幕開始, 傳統表達方法只有男主角出場, 因他有數首獨唱曲目, 述說Violetta如何洗盡鉛華, 跟他在鄉村過着快樂的生活.  然而這套DVD卻突破了傳統的表達方式, Alfredo在唱這段開場的曲目時, 正與Violetta在追逐及捉迷藏, 充份地感到他們快樂的生活. 

茶花女(La traviata是由Giuseppe Verdi (朱塞佩·威爾第)作曲, 改編自小仲馬於1848年出版的小說《茶花女》(The Lady of the Camellias,La dame aux Camélias)的四幕歌劇。

茶花女故事大綱 :  http://www.opera.org.tw/opera_c/traviata_c.htm

Complete opera with German sub-title found in youtube:

In youtube, there is a video clip on 'Sempre libera' which is the last aria in act 1.  After Violetta turns Alfredo down, she is deeply touched by his love. Then when she is alone, she reflects. She is tired of her hectic life, and although she knows that dreams of love are nonsense, she recalls her wishes to find such love. She tries to throw off these fond wishes (Sempre libera "always free"), but at the end of Act One Alfredo's voice floats back to her and she accepts his love at last.

Sempre libera

Sempre libera degg'io                     Free as air, I love to flit and flutter on
Folleggiar di gioia in gioia,                      from pleasure to pleasure.
Vo' che scorra il viver mio               Till my life is one long mad and merry
Pei sentieri del piacer,                            circle of delight,
Nasca il giorno, o il giorno muoia,    And as each day succeeds to the other,
Sempre lieta ne' ritrovi                            fresh excitement is my lode star/
A diletti sempre nuovi                      The enjoyment of the moment must
Dee volare il mio pensier.                        put care and sorrow to flight.

製作中這段"長腿"演譯.  在製作特諿中了解這段是第二幕開場時Alfredo在唱這段開場的曲目時,  編導巧妙地加插兩人與Violetta在追逐及捉迷藏, 充份地感到他們快樂的生活片段, 觀眾完全沒留意Violetta是完全靜默的.

continue reading "威爾第的歌劇《茶花女》(La Traviata)"



問鶯燕  許建吾 詞


"學習像孔子"的第一步, 努力了解每首樂曲的背景...... 

這是許建吾先生作詞的大合唱〝祖國戀〞第四章,並非描繪西湖之美,而是對著零落的西湖懷念故人情黯淡而抱的無窮希望。   「問鶯燕」這首歌滿篇傷懷感人的回憶,惹人唏噓激發鄉愁:「桃花點點,鶯燕碧浪,佳麗姍姍,跨舟搖槳」,昔日情景使人嚮盻,如今景物全空,「輕問鶯燕,春光易老,故人難逢」。這發自年邁人內心深處的感嘆,何等泣然惆悵。深沈與奈何的噓嘆,道出人間的溫情誠摯,描繪時事變遷的遺憾! 
自己最喜歡"無限春光容易老 故人何不早相逢" 是美也帶著惆悵

(Source: http://mim.khcc.gov.tw/hyl/MusicWorkDetail.aspx?typeid=4&artistiid=109&artworkiid=109)

continue reading "問鶯燕-黃友棣曲"




近日正在學習一首很優美的中文歌曲"問鶯燕", 需要努力找尋歌詞的正確發音, 發現網上也有很多實用的普通話網站可與大家分享: 

普通話 eLearning


普通話發聲 (可輸入一段文字, 便可聆聽普通話的發音)


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                                                                         (Source: http://input.foruto.com/ccc/gongbiu/index.htm)

從來聽說廣東話有九音, 但總是不大清楚.  終於在網上找來一些粵語網站與大家一起分享和學習! 



粵語審音配詞字庫 (可輸入漢字,查取粵音)

國語辭典 (錯別字救星, 可用詞語找正確寫法)


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