
心靈加油站 - 逆境也是一種祝福

近日收到朋友的電郵,  感到有點意思, 想與大家分享分享. 

    可能就是在知道他們犯了事要受懲罰的時候; 什麼時候您才會真正記掛您所愛的人,學會珍惜?
    可能是不能再見到她, 或者她要離你而去的時候;


近日也收到另一電郵述說一個有關蝴喋的故事,   很有意思而且與這次題目很相近.  所以也放在這裡與大家分享:           

(I've also received another email which is about a 'Lesson of Butterfly'.  It also talks about adversity and is a very good one to share with you.)
                   (心靈加油站- From Jenny and Helen's email message)

Adversity can be a blessing:

When you will be concerned about their health? 

            Maybe when the doctor told you that your body is already very bad;

When you will allocate more time for your children?

            Maybe when he has committed some offences;

When you will worry about losing your loved ones and start treasure her?            

            Maybe when the time you cannot see her again, or when she will leave you, 

When you will give serious consideration to the needs of customers? 

            Maybe when your business is failing.

When you will treasure your life?

            Maybe when you go to the funeral of your friends or relatives.  

You may often grummble to God: "Why give me such a blow? "

Perhaps you should put it in another perspective, the downs and ruthless unfortune indeed brings about the irreparable loss, but hidden behind the tragedy is the great strength of the healing and create change.

Adversity can be a blessing :  Every experience is a chance to learn.

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Google - 我最喜愛的品牌


我曾聽說在英國有一項品牌調查 ,  結果Google選定是最可愛的品牌形象.  可能你只知道Google是一個很好的搜索網站. 事實上, 它還有許多非常好的工具.  現在與大家分享分享 . 

1. 網上翻譯工具:

     Google translate -  www.translate.google.com


     這是一個很好的翻譯工具, 它可以把整篇文章翻譯而不是單詞.  這整篇Blog文章, 100%我需要的漢字是用這個翻譯工具索取的.  大家可以嘗試嘗試! 

2. Google 工具列

     這是一個非常有用的工具,可以把網頁翻譯和阻止pop-up screens.

3.  Google 桌面搜尋 


      我也安裝了這桌面搜尋工具, 它可以搜索文檔及網頁, 速度遠高於 Microsoft Windows XP!


 4. Picasa 網路相簿    



      這也是我在網上的相簿. 它可以批量上傳及壓縮照片, 十分方便. 


5. Google 文件



     如果你需要寫一篇文章用在Word或PDF格式, 但你用Cyber Cafe內的PC不具備 Microsoft Office.  現在你可以使用Google Document, 它可以共享文件進行編輯及輸出為 Word或PDF格式.

6.  Google Earth



      Google Earth 結合Google搜索和地球衛星圖像, 地圖, 地形及三維建築物, 使全世界的地理信息在您的彈指之間.   中原網頁地圖也聯繫Google Earth.

7.  Gmail



     最後我想介紹Gmail,  這仍是我最喜愛的電子郵件工具. 因為它可以auto-forward我的電郵, 並可以使用Microsoft Outlook 收集電子郵件. 

8.  Google 軟體集



          Google 軟體集是:

    1. Google 特地挑選的軟體
    2. 永遠免費 - 沒有試用版本或間諜軟體
    3. 只需幾個點擊就可以開始使用

9.  GPicSync 相片定位工具

GPicSync 是一個非常好用、簡單、免費的相片定位工具。  它可以配合一些網上相冊, 如 Picasa, Flickr 等, 非常方便.  GPicSync 就可以一步過,把衛星定位器記錄下來的LOG檔案同步入JPEG的Exif中,甚至RAW檔案也可以同時做到!

操作步驟: http://digital.xy.hk/forum/viewthread.php?tid=146

GPicSync官方網站: http://code.google.com/p/gpicsync/

continue reading "Google - 我最喜愛的品牌"



日期: 2007年7月14日(星期六)

地點: 銅鑼灣警官俱樂部

這是第46屆校友會聚餐,  亦是我們一班老同學第一次參加這樣的活動.   最特別的是同學用手提電話聯絡上在加拿大的老師, 我們在電話中互相問好, 說說笑笑的,  彷彿她也來了聚餐一樣.  現在的電子科技, 令人與人的關係密切了許多.  "天涯若彼鄰", 果真沒錯啊!

對我這個插班生, 為免再次忘記校歌歌詞,現在記下它, 亦希望與大家重溫這首優美的曲詞:
School song:
Here again we gather together,
Under the banner of Shau Kei Wan.
Vow to ourselves, in the spirit of the Dolphins,
To love truth, to seek knowledge,
And to brave danger,
For the good of our fellow beings.

Arts and Science we explore we explore,
Honour and Conduct we treasure more,
To one another we pledge to be loyal,
We pledge to be loyal, we pledge to be true,
With fervour and friendship we enrich our soil.

Houses four we all stand together,
Dragon Lion Phoenix and Unicorn,
To one family we all belong.
When and where, When and Where,
S. G. S. S. appears, appears.
We'll uphold its name loud and clear!
We'll uphold its name loud and clear!

continue reading "中學校友會聚餐"


Dina in Hong Kong

(Photo taken 16 years ago....when I was thinner)

It's been more than one and a half decades since we graduated in UK.  We were all so excited to know Dina, our Greek friend, would visit Hong Kong last week.  She came here to attend a conference on 'Environmental Education'.   It's so joyful to have a small re-union in Hong Kong after so many years!  We just can't imagine even her kid (at the front of the photo) is now 28! 

 (Photos taken when I visited Greece in 2000)

Dina was lucky that the scene of the Hong Kong harbour was particularly gorgeous that evening when we walked along the star avenue after dinner. It may due to the showers the week before she came.  In fact, I haven't seen any stars in the Hong Kong sky for a long time.

When she passed by a bus stop, she saw a very interesting poster showing on one side some white houses in Santorini with the caption 'a dream far away...' ;  and on the other side another picture showing a resort in China with the caption 'a reality closeby...'.   But for her, that's the other way round: Santorini is just so close! 

Thanks Dina, because you have brought us lots of sweet memories...   Dina will fly back to Greece on Sunday.  I'll miss you and all our sweet dreams long time ago...

continue reading "Dina in Hong Kong"



七月八日是爸爸的大日子.  參加了數月的受浸班, 他終於與其他受浸的弟兄姊妹齊齊加入教會.  因他曾在另一教會受浸, 所以只需進行加入教會的儀式.  相信這次是爸爸有史以來第一次收花吧!!! 

而我亦在離開了20年後, 再重踏入這間教會.  總是覺得感慨凉多!  今次發現雖然花依舊, 人面卻並非全非啊!  只是大家都長大了.  以前的團契導師成了牧師, 小學同學當了執事, 團友結了婚云云.  當大家都興奮地訴說那些想當年的故事,  大家又好像回到少年十五二十時.......

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放假總是令人身心舒暢!  面對陽光海灘, 果真令人忘卻頃惱.
今次終於行了下水禮, 潛了兩次水.  最初以為是大約五六年前考的潛水牌, 原來已經是十多年前的事了.  上次在巴里潛水己是九六年了, 果真時光飛逝.
今次下水, 體驗也覺新鮮, 可以看到海龜, 海鰻和很多"Nemo".  還有看到變色的墨魚, 真是不枉此行!

下榻之酒店是Nexus Resort Hotel。縱使離市區及機場是遠了一點, 喜歡這所酒店擁有其長長的沙灘,以及可以更加親近大自然。


旅程需坐約三個多小時的車程, 再轉乘快艇進入紅樹林沼澤區。區內可以看至到馬來西亞獨有的野生長鼻猴,傍晚可欣賞由無數螢火蟲組成的炎夏"聖誕樹"。當真正找到了長鼻猴時,雖然距離較遠, 大家還是異常興奮。當天色真的變黑了,伴隨我們的已是無數只有米一般大的小小螢火蟲。而再抬頭看天,原來天上的繁星也真的在閃耀著呢!


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