


自數年前開始了閱讀電子書和有聲書後, 在書局購買硬本書藉已經少了許多.  每次都會琢磨一翻才可決定.  今次購買的是吳冠中先生的"畫眼".  這是家中第二本吳先生的書本, 第一本是他的"我負丹青"

(Source: www.amazon.com)

創作時的情景與心境後,再看畫作多了一點情感和思考。  對一些原本不太在意的作品多了一些體會。  看過一篇描述" 醬園"的作品後, 猛然發現各人因生活環境和際遇會被不同的情景所吸引感動,  每人對美的觀感都各有不同, 所以在畫室看到大家會以不同的主題作畫。  這讓我回想自己的作品, 雖然只是平凡的小集作, 但是那些景物都是讓我感動而決定把它畫下來, 總有它的原因, 它的小故事。  於是, 也想想分享這些小故事, 重溫當年作畫的逸趣。 

continue reading "畫眼-吳冠中"


十公里的驚喜(一) - 將軍澳之旅


秋高氣爽, 正是郊遊的好日子.  可是, 因為叮叮腳力不好, 容易跌傷, 威廉為了鼓勵日漸"長大"的叮叮多些運動, 唯有放棄高山遠足, 改為像梁班子般, 落區"巡視業務",  今期選擇了將軍澳!  一天的歷險旅途過後, 猛然發現香港有這麽多未到過的地方, 發現了一個幽雅的中式園林, 發現了一個設計別緻的商場, 還發現了自己終於可以把各式各樣的屋苑名字擺放在地圖上, 在尋找發現中, 原來旅遊並不一定到外地, 在香港也一樣興奮!

真要謝謝現代科技, 可以紀錄路程地圖, 讓這個冒險之旅多一點趣意!

冒險之旅就從寶琳站出發 ... ...

估不到在途中還有驚喜, 在坑口發現了一個幽雅的中式園林!


最喜歡那些椅子 ... ...

開幕只有兩個月, 那些垂直綠化植物還很茂密啊!

最後一站是調景嶺, 終於看見IVE新建的設計樓, 也明白了學生們從一座到第二座的苦惱!

continue reading " 十公里的驚喜(一) - 將軍澳之旅"


Goldberg Variations

Goldberg Variations

Goldberg Variations 是巴赫1741年的作品, 最初只知道它是一組極難演奏的樂曲, 直至閱讀"郎朗:千里之行"一書時, 看到了一段小故事, 引起我對這首樂曲的興趣...

"... ... 郎朗事業上其中一個重要的轉捩點於1999年,17歲的郎朗在納維尼亞音樂節上代替身體欠佳的安德烈·瓦茲(André Watts)與芝加哥交響樂團合作登場,演奏了柴可夫斯基第一鋼琴協奏曲。當最後一個音符演奏完畢,聽眾全體起立歡呼,如雷般的掌聲經久不息,從此他亦一鳴驚人。 在音樂會結束後, 各演出者一起參加了慶功酒會,  而當晚的指揮 Daniel Barenboim 丹尼爾·巴倫波伊姆 在酒會邀請郎朗即興演奏Goldberg Variations。...."

看到這段我感到有點奇怪, 當晚的曲目不是巴赫, 為何Daniel Barenboim選擇Goldberg Variations呢?  於是引起我的好奇心而在網上找尋有關Goldberg Variations的資料, 終於明白Daniel的意思!  原來Goldberg Variations流傳著一段有趣的小故事 ... ...

... ... 這故事來自Johann Nikolaus Forkel(約翰尼古勞斯)編寫的一段巴赫傳記:
"故事緣於俄羅斯大使Count Kaiserling,在他經常逗留在萊比錫(Leipzig)期間,   隨行的Goldberg(戈德堡)會教他巴赫的音樂。然而這位俄羅斯大使常常失眠, 為打發不眠之夜, 他往往要請與他同住的戈德堡,在前廳彈奏鋼琴樂曲,這樣才能舒緩他失眠的苦惱.  一次大使向巴赫提議, 希望巴赫能創作一些鍵盤樂曲讓戈德堡彈奏, 希望這些樂曲在他漫長的失眠之夜帶來點滴的慰藉!  最後巴赫完成了這首變奏曲給大使, 並以戈德堡命名.  大使每當他失眠之夜, 又會向戈德堡說:“親愛的戈德堡,可否彈奏一段我的變奏曲!" ... ...

雖然故事未必真確, 但它帶給了這首變奏曲多一層的趣味, 只是難以想像這首一些超快的變奏樂段如何能成為"安眠曲"! 但相信Daniel聽過郎朗的演奏後可以欣然入睡!

年多前購買了Catrin Finch以豎琴演譯的Goldberg Variations.  大家可以看看你喜歡鋼琴的演譯還是豎琴版本多一點! 

The making of ...

Goldberg Variation (Harp)

Goldberg Variation (Piano by Glenn Gould)

continue reading "Goldberg Variations"


The man with the golden flute - Sir James Galway

若你喜歡長笛, 相信也會喜歡這個的音樂會!  其中的曲目還有我的至愛莫札特的K299長笛與豎琴協奏曲(選段)!
占士的長笛演奏, 在十多年前在香港欣賞過, 而在愛丁堡唸書時, 也欣賞過一次他演奏愛爾蘭樂曲.

年多前購買了他一本自傳 "The man with the golden flute", 雖然內容較多描述他的"偉業", 較少提及他的掙扎與心路歷程, 但其中一段講述他年少時學長笛的小故事卻讓我十分共鳴!  哈哈, 大師也有喜歡奏流行曲和不想練Scale的時候!

Galway & Friends with City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong

Date:  7 Oct 2012 (Sun) 3:00pm

Venue: Hong Kong City Hall (Concert Hall)

Ticket Price: $600, $480, $350, $200
Vivaldi  Flute Concerto in D, The Goldfinch, Op.10, No.3
Mozart   Piano Concerto No.20 in D minor, K.466 (excerpts)
Mozart   Flute & Harp Concerto in C, K.299 (excerpts)
H. Shore  Lord of the Rings Suite
Gossec   Tambourin
Marin-Marais    Le Basque
Debussy   En Bateau & Clair de Lune
Doppler Rondo for Two Flutes, Op.25
James    Love Theme from Titanic, My Heart Will Go On
Horner   Galway Fair
David    Brian Boru's March
Overton   Flight of the Bumblebee
Traditional  Badinereelerie
David Overton

The Man with the Golden Flute - Published in 2009


Book introduction: 

Sir James Galway is one of the top musicians of our time, with a dazzling career that has spanned five decades and many genres of music. Now he celebrates his seventieth birthday with a look back on his incredible career, during which he has traveled around the world many times over and made countless friends, including legends from the worlds of classical and popular music. He reflects on the challenges he faced coming from the poverty of working-class Belfast and making the decision to go solo as a flutist, as well as the triumphs as he made his way to the top of his profession.

An interesting story except from the book ....

.. Now that I had a proper flute, all I wanted to do was play it.  The problem was that I wanted to play tunes...  But my father believed that if you were going to learn properly, you had to practice your scales, and you even had to llearn some theory ...
 I wanted to play 'White Christmas' or 'South of Border' or some of the great marches, like 'Men of Harlech' or an Orangemen's tune called 'the Sash My Father Wore.'  Dad wanted me to practice my scales.  One time I went up to my room and was playing 'Men of Harlech' in the key of A major, and I was having trouble with a G-sharp.  Dad came tearing up the stairs and burst into the bedroom, yelling, 'There, you see! If you'd learned the scale of A major properly, you'd be able to play that.' ...

continue reading "The man with the golden flute - Sir James Galway"