
With one look - Sunset Boulevard

With one look - Sunset Boulevard


When I visited a new blog friend, Thomas Cheung, his blog heading 'Let's shine' reminded me this song - With one look.

It's a pity I haven't got a chance to watch this musical, I've just got its CD.  Sunset Boulevard is one of the Andrew Lloyd Webber's productions which is based on a 1950's film of the same title. 

The story revolves around Norma Desmond, a faded star of the silent screen era, living in the past in her decaying mansion on the fabled Los Angeles street. When young screenwriter Joe Gillis accidentally crosses her path, she sees in him an opportunity to make her comeback to the big screen. Romance and tragedy follow.  At last she shots Joe and descending into insanity, Norma mistakes her arresting officers for her beloved fans and studio executives. Thinking she is on the set of Salome, Norma descends the staircase with the immortal phrase, "...And now, Mr. De Mille, I am ready for my close-up.".

In the musical, 'with one look' is the song that touches me most.  Glenn Close captured the true emotion of Norma exceptionally well... Maybe that is the spirit of a performer should have on the stage!  And let this glamorous song celebrate my 100th blog message! 

With one look (lyric)

With one look
I can break your heart
With one look
I play every part
I can make your sad heart sing
With one look you'll know
All you need to know

With one smile
I'm the girl next door
Or the love that you've hungered for
When I speak it's with my soul
I can play any role

No words can tell
The stories my eyes tell
Watch me when I frown
You can't write that down
You know I'm right
It's there in black and white
When I look your way
You'll hear what I say

Yes, with one look
I put words to shame
Just one look
Sets the screen aflame
Silent music starts to play
One tear from my eye
Makes the whole world cry

With one look
They'll forgive the past
They'll rejoice I've returned at last
To my people in the dark
Still out there in the dark


Silent music starts to play
With one look you'll know
All you need to know

With one look
I'll ignite a blaze
I'll return to my glory days
They'll say Norma's back at last

This time I'm staying
I'm staying for good
I'll be back
Where I was born to be
With one look
I'll be me

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunset_Boulevard_(musical)

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豎琴.這個一向被認識為與天使、長髮美女有關而遙不可及的樂器,伴着那優雅的外形 加上動聽悅耳的聲音,一直令我十分迷醉 . 近日在蘋果日報中發現灣仔有學豎琴的地方, 價錢也十分合理, 而且可以小組上課, 令我非常雀躍.  我這個喜歡坐言起行的小師奶決定參加八堂的初級班, 一嚐扮作"天使、長髮美女"的小心願!
(Apple daily: http://appledaily.atnext.com/template/apple_sub/art_main.cfm?iss_id=20080123&sec_id=38165&subsec_id=10376722&art_id=10672415)

Harp Chamber in Hong Kong: http://www.harpchamber.com

在經過不斷的發展與改良,豎琴已成為能彈奏調式複雜、高難度技巧及各種不同風格樂曲的獨奏樂器。故此在歷史發展中, 演變了多種不同種類的豎琴. 



自己很喜歡長笛與豎琴的合奏, 長笛優美的音色再加上豎琴溫暖的中低音,幾乎是最完美的組合。所以不但有許多作曲家寫曲子給這兩樣樂器,也有越來越多的人,將其他樂器的曲子,改編給長笛與豎琴。 其中莫札特: C大調長笛與豎琴協奏曲,作品K.299更是我的至愛.  現送上第二樂章讓大家一起感受莫札特帶給我們那天使的聲音... 

I'm really looking forward to the coming 8 harp appreciation classes. Mozart's K299 of course is too ambitious for a 'mature' student likes me, but if one day, I can play Johann Pachelbel's Canon ....   ,  em, life can be so wonderful!
(Source: http://www.harpspectrum.org/index.shtmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harp)

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By Strauss - 喬治·蓋希文(George Gershwin)

相信喜歡爵士樂的都會認識蓋希文, 而我認識他就從認識他那燴炙人口的創作"藍色狂想曲" (Rhapsody in Blue)開始...  下面也從U-Tube節錄了一段由Bernstein  演奏鋼琴部份的藍色狂想曲給大家欣賞.

喬治·蓋希文(George Gershwin,1898年9月26日 - 1937年7月11日)是一位美國作曲家。出生於紐約布魯克林的一個俄國猶太移民家庭。蓋希文於1937年夏因患腦癌去世,亨年三十九歲。他的貢獻是把古典音樂的風格與爵士樂和布魯斯的風格結合了起來。 而在學習聲樂的時侯, 也遇上這首優美的樂曲"By Strauss", 相信歌詞也流露了這位致力於推動把古典音樂的風格與爵士樂結合起來的音樂家的點點心聲....

George Gershwin (September 26, 1898 – July 11, 1937) was an American composer. He wrote most of his vocal and theatrical works in collaboration with his elder brother, lyricist Ira Gershwin. George Gershwin composed both for Broadway and for the classical concert hall. He also wrote popular songs with success.  Many of his compositions have been used on television and in numerous films, and many became jazz standards.  This lovely song 'By Strauss' somehow gives a hint of his struggle when composing new music form which combines the elements of jazz music and the classical one.  Life is never easy if you are an reformist.

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Gershwin)

By Strauss (lyrics) -

Away with the music of Broadway<
Be off with your Irving Berlin
No, I give no quarter to Kern or Cole Porter
And Gershwin keeps pounding on tin

How can I be civil when hearing that drivel?
It's only for night-clubbing souses
Just give me the free-'n'-easy waltz, that is Vienneasy and
Go tell the band if they want a hand,
The waltz must be Strauss's

Ja ja ja, give me oom-pa-pah
When I want a melody
Lilting through the house
Then I want a melody
By Strauss
It laughs, it sings, the world is in rhyme
Swinging in three-quarter time

Let the Danube flow along
And the Fledermauss
Keep the wine and give me song
By Strauss

By Jove, by Jing, by Strauss is the thing
So, I say to ha-cha-cha, heraus!
Just give me an oom-pa-pah by Strauss!


Let the Danube flow along
And the Fledermauss
Keep the wine and give me song
By Strauss

By Jove, by Jing, by Strauss is the thing
So, I say to ha-cha-cha, heraus!
Just give me an oom-pa-pah by Strauss!  

(Source: http://www.sing365.com/music/lyric.nsf/By-Strauss-lyrics-Maureen-McGovern/3C875994BA495B9648256EF30021FEC1)

Video on Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue
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Amazing Mind

This is weird, but interesting! Our brain is just so amazing!

Can you read this? Only great minds can do .... 

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

It's a ptiy taht it cnaont be aplpeid to chseine chacartres, prheaps tihs is prat of the reosan why chesnie is so diflfcuit to lrean!

(Picture source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Brain_animated_color_nevit.gif)

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Wong Sir生日會

每年慶祝Wong Sir生日後,我都會重新考慮回去繪畫班。 只是感到技術沒有進展, 要再進步需要很多的努力, 而且又欠缺創作靈感和有趣的題材, 總是找不到動力努力作畫.

 今年同學們都催促我快點回去上堂, 又參觀了小虎和其他藝術創作者在火炭的開放日, 看到別人對藝術創作的熱誠, 也感染了我也希望快點回去見見他們, 繼續努力我的水彩畫.  只是可能顏料也乾掉要重新購買呢!

Click to play WongSir+2008

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Keep fit 的第一天

... One more, Two more...終於笑番晒!  新買的玩具Wii Fit 終於在我的Wii player 換了IC chip 之後可以玩了.  最初只認為Wii Fit的Balance Board只是一塊普通的電子磅, 但估不到它的靈敏度非常高, 可以探側到我重心的輕微移動!

開始時需要輸入一些個人資料, 如高度, 出生日期等, 它便會測度係你的重量並計算你的BMI.  並幫你制作圖表, 顯示你的進度.  可惜我練習了三天, 體重仍續繼上升!   接着再測試你的運動年齡, 第一天真失禮, 運動年齡是76歲, 自己也嚇了一跳!  幸好第二天適應後已回復35歲, 總算安心一點.

原本以為真正的呼拉圈難控制, 這些摸擬的會容易許多, 怎料連這個虛擬的呼拉圈也只能轉數下便跌落地了, 我想同志仍需努力, 希望這次Keep Fit 大業可以有所進展!!! 

continue reading "Keep fit 的第一天"


HONG KONG NEW YEAR 2008 FIREWORKS 香港中環國金二期新年煙火倒數

                                           (Source: http://hk.yimg.com/hk/providers/mingpao/20071231/_01ga004_.jpg)


除夕夜錯過了煙火倒數, 偶然在U-Tube發現這段電視直播, 發現煙火效果比想像的精彩.  收錄在此與大家重溫除夕夜的煙花盛彷.... 

continue reading "HONG KONG NEW YEAR 2008 FIREWORKS 香港中環國金二期新年煙火倒數"


My new toy - Wii Fit

 我剛剛買了一個新玩具"Wii Fit",希望它能夠幫助我'Keep fit' 。但大家都知道我這個終身目標,從來沒有成功過! 

不過,雖然這遊戲光碟是正版的,但我的Wii player仍無法讀取這遊戲光碟. 這使我很氣憤,暫仍無法用它來練習我的瑜珈和呼啦圈!

Note:  At last, I've collected my repaired Wii player and able to play the game.  GREAT FUN!!!
continue reading "My new toy - Wii Fit"


My facebook - DingDing Christine

My First Facebook

I was very busy playing with facebook last week.  http://www.facebook.com

At first, I was quite reluctant to setup a facebook account as it means I will spend more time to surf in front of the PC.  Maintaining the blog has already taken me quite some time.  However, I've received several invitations from my friends and at last I've decided to open an account to try.  My name in facebook is DingDing Christine.

Fortunately, I've found it's not too difficult to use and I can smoothly integrate it with links to my blog and photos album in picasa.  I'm now trying to send gifts and hugs to my friends, marking all the cities that I've visited... Still quite fun. 

But I won't give up my blog as it can keep all my memories in a more systematic way!   Although the word 'BETA' in Yahoo! Blog's name always make me worry, I hope it won't fade away too soon...

continue reading "My facebook - DingDing Christine"


My first Kite 風箏製作2008

 每年收到的聖誕禮物都會是一個有趣的日曆, 有每天一幅摺紙, 每天一幅剪紙, 上年則是每天一幅水彩畫.  今年的禮物是風箏製作. 


作品陸續出塲.... 真想找把電風扇看看它們起飛的樣子!!! 

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