
Sweet memories in 2008

Sweet memories in 2008....
Year 2008 is another wonderful and exciting year.  It is full of sweet memories, fun and happy moments...
- My first Harp lesson -> have my own harp -> Harp festival ensemble performance....;
- Music recital in May;
- Back to Wong Sir's studio and start my water colour painting again;
- Father-in-law's 80th birthday party;
- Meeting with Shichien, Oliver and Kieran; old girls gathering, halloween dinner at Wong Sir's  studio ...
- Travel to Yang zhou, family trip to OCT in China and Hai nan, bla, bla, bla... 

Let me freeze all these wonderful moments and don't let them slip away with time....  

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今天從海南島度假回港, 在機塲看到它, 一見鍾情, 特別讓牛牛與家中的豎琴為伴...


然而我在看"神探伽俐略"時, 則認為牛牛是被豎琴壓扁, 這是一宗豎琴殺牛事件啊!

是飛天, 還是殺牛? 就讓大家決定吧!

(同事看了則認為這情景是拉牛上樹...琴 或 對牛彈琴; 看上去又幾貼切喎!  )

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       祝大家聖誕快樂, 新年進步!!!

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Silent Night - A Song for Peace

190年前的一個平安夜, "平安夜, 聖善夜" 這首大家都耳熟能詳的聖誕樂曲在德國一個小鎮的教堂子夜彌撒中作首次演出.  當晚因教堂中的管風琴壞了, 所以首演是以反傳統的結他伴奏, 及由它的作曲及作詞者一起詠唱這首優美的樂曲.....

 在網上找來有關這首樂曲的小檔案, 配以當年的詠唱模式為背景音樂, 與大家共度一個寧靜的平安夜! 

~~ 在至高之處榮耀歸與神,在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人!(路2:14)~~

Silent Night - A Song for Peace

190 years ago, this world-famous Christmas song was given its first performance in Oberndorf near Salzburg.

"Silent Night!" came into being during a very difficult period of our history. The Napoleonic Wars were barely over and the Congress of Vienna had essentially created a new order for Europe.  As a result of these events, Salzburg, which had previously been the seat of an autonomous Prince Archbishop, lost its independence and was secularized. Part of Salzburg went to Bavaria, while the greater portion became integrated into Austria.

The barge industry, bargemen, ship builders and, consequently, the whole community, were now looking at a very uncertain future.

It was in this phase that Mohr came to Oberndorf, remaining from 1817 until 1819.
The town where he had previously served, Mariapfarr (1816-1817), had suffered considerably because of the withdrawal of Bavarian occupying troops. It is circumstances such as these which give the text of the fourth verse such particular significance. It expresses a great longing for peace.

Silent Night - Facts
Living in Mariapfarr in the Lungau region of Salzburg, Joseph Mohr pens the text of "Silent Night!" in the form of a poem.

Franz Xaver Gruber composes the song's melody before Christmas in the Arnsdorf schoolhouse (now part of Lamprechtshausen).

Franz Xaver Gruber and Joseph Mohr give "Silent Night! Holy Night!" its world premiere - played on a guitar - on Christmas Eve at St. Nicholas Church in Oberndorf-bei-Salzburgohr.


Silent Night - First Performance
First Performance - Oberndorf (near Salzburg), 1818
"It was on December 24th, 1818, when the then assistant priest of the newly constructed St. Nicholas Parish Church in Oberndorf, Mr. Josef Mohr, handed a poem over to Franz Gruber, who was currently serving as organist and simultaneously a school teacher in Arnsdorf, with a request to write a fitting melody for 2 solo voices and choir with guitar accompaniment." - thus wrote Franz Xaver Gruber in what was to represent an authentic account of the creation of the Christmas song, "Silent Night! Holy Night!".

Gruber handed his musical composition back to Mohr that same day. Mohr, himself with quite an ear for music, took a liking to the song, so it was agreed that the song would be performed as part of the upcoming Midnight Mass. 

Under normal circumstances, it would never have been acceptable for a German song to be played with guitar accompaniment in church.  However, just before Christmas, the church organ broke down.    It was impossible to hold the Christmas celebrations in the traditional way. The priest had no choice but to accept Mohr and Gruber`s offer of an alternative mass.  So it was that on Christmas Eve 1818 Joseph was able to perform "Silent Night, Holy Night" publicly for the first time.  Mohr sang tenor and played the guitar accompaniment, while Gruber sang bass.


zwani.com myspace graphic comments

Text: Joseph Mohr, 1816
Melody (Composition): Franz Xaver Gruber, 1818

1. Silent night! Holy night!
All's asleep, one sole light,
Just the faithful and holy pair,
Lovely boy-child with curly hair,
Sleep in heavenly peace!
Sleep in heavenly peace! 

2. Silent night! Holy night!
God's Son laughs, o how bright.
Love from your holy lips shines clear,
As the dawn of salvation draws near,
Jesus, Lord, with your birth!
Jesus, Lord, with your birth!

3. Silent night! Holy night!
Brought the world peace tonight,
From the heavens' golden height
Shows the grace of His holy might
Jesus, as man on this earth!
Jesus, as man on this earth!

4. Silent night! holy night!
Where today all the might
Of His fatherly love us graced
And then Jesus, as brother embraced.
All the peoples on earth!
All the peoples on earth!

5. Silent night! Holy night!
Long we hoped that He might,
As our Lord, free us of wrath, Since times of our fathers He hath
Promised to spare all mankind!
Promised to spare all mankind!

6. Silent night! Holy night!
Sheperds first see the sight.
Told by angelic Alleluja,
Sounding everywhere, both near and far:
"Christ the Savior is here!"
"Christ the Savior is here!!

(Source: http://www.salzburgerland.com/eng/tid_silent-night-chapel-heritage-museum-in-oberndorf_12267x76095x76085/direktlink.html)

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還有數天便聖誕節, 或許你現在正忙於與孩子們, 朋友們準備
聖誕派對, 又或正收拾行裝出發度假, 請不要忘記關心多一點家中的父母,
向他們說聲問候, 讓他們也快樂地度過這普天同慶的日子!





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請你體諒,也回想一下 我們當年怎樣餵養你、幫你穿衣解帶…

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有時我們或許鬧脾氣而不想洗澡, 請不要羞辱或責怪我們;


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你可以幫個忙,  讓我們領略到在這互聯網上翱翔的滋味。



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What musical instrument should you play?

What musical instrument should you play?

在Facebook中, 朋友介紹了我這個小玩意, 答數條心理問題, 便會列出你的性格所屬的樂器, 也頗有趣, 於是努力尋找網上版, 終於給我找到數個類似的網站, 與大家分享!

What type of musical instrument are you?



What musical instrument should you play? (It's a pity, my result is neither a harp nor piano!)


Instrument Jokes


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Ten thousand hours 一萬小時定律

近日威廉購買了這本有聲書, 於是我便開始"聆聽"暢銷作家Malcolm Gladwell的新作 - [Outliers : The story of success]。 其中一點「一萬小時定律」令我與一些朋友引起討論, 當我們提及"努力", "勤力", 究竟有何標準呢?  看過作者的討論後, 有點無奈, 我想除了吃飯睡覺, 我找不到另外一項我有練習過一萬小時的技術啊!  但是當我與聲樂老師討論時, 她還認為一萬小時已經算少!  幸好她未有發現我跟她學習已有七年, 就連一千小時也未達標呢!  不知如果學習只想怡情養性, 樂在其中, 可不可以改為「一千小時」呢? 



二、「一萬小時定律」:每一個成功的人,都是努力了十年而來。這十年間每天他都練習3小時,3 x 365 x 10,一萬個小時之後才會成功。他舉例,鋼琴家許多都是5歲彈琴,到了15歲就已經和別人不同;小網球選手都是6歲開始訓練,到了16歲就已經和別人不同。這點我也很贊同,除了天份外, 這一萬小時真的不可少啊。 只是想學的東西那麼多, 人生苦短, 你又願意為哪一項負出這一萬個小時呢!

(Source: http://www.nownews.com/2008/11/18/11493-2360189.htm)

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Latest Christmas carol for 2008..

這首歌大概叫《Recession is coming to town》,作者佚名。有傳為某大金融機構的基金經理所作,這裡並不考究。歌詞實在太精彩了,也很應節,算是苦中作樂的典範。

Let's Sing together everybody~~~~

Latest Christmas carol for 2008..

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise Recession is coming to town

It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!

Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk So keep out for goodness sake, OH

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

continue reading "Latest Christmas carol for 2008.."


熊日 (李克勤 紅日) _ 四叔輸得甘過你

熊日 (李克勤 紅日) _ 四叔輸得甘過你

討論了些嚴肅的古典結他後, 近日收到一些電郵傳來一些諷刺金融風暴的舊曲新詞創作, 有聲有畫, 就讓大家輕輕鬆鬆, 帶來一點會心微笑吧!   

熊日(李克勤 紅日)

在營造Deep ! V  隔一天沽爆你 
到最後  資金再運回賤美 

摩根、Goldman、Citi、德銀    那個信得過? 
在某年  那四叔講過 
記得要追call 追call 落力在春天買貨 

一生之中高峰股災  我也要走過 

像熊日之歌  老散都知錯 
結伴行  股災也定能踏過 

讓晚風  吹雞蛋殼 
伴送著清香一束! 站在IFC祭我 
望佢升  偏偏估錯 
快要輸死我 woo woo 

別流淚  心酸  四叔輸得甘過你 
佢定能  一生蟹著陪伴你
continue reading "熊日 (李克勤 紅日) _ 四叔輸得甘過你"


結他名曲 - 阿爾罕布拉宮的回憶(Recuerdos de la Alhambra)

阿爾罕布拉宮的回憶 (西班牙語:Recuerdos de la Alhambra)

當年在遊覧阿爾罕布拉宮時,  威廉突然記起了這首優美的結他樂曲, 於是立刻拿起隨身的iPOD搜尋這首曲.  最後一面聽着那優美的結他音韻, 一面欣賞獅子院的瑰麗建築, 確是別有一番感受.    這首著名的古典吉他獨奏曲是西班牙作曲家、吉他演奏家弗朗西斯科·塔雷加(Francisco Tárrega)於1896年的作品.   

據傳說,某一天的黃昏時刻,泰雷加來到了格拉那達(Granada),眺望著在夕陽西下背景襯托之下的這座昔日富麗堂皇的廢舊宮殿,引起了他無限的感慨。當天夜裏,他就將腦海中浮現的回憶主題用顫音技法(即輪指技巧)來描述,寫成了一首吉他獨奏曲,並加上了《祈禱》的副標題。全曲由於運用了顫音技巧,充分表現了作曲家迷蒙,回憶,幻想,憧憬,以及感慨萬千的心緒... ... 

現在就讓大家一面聰聆聽着美妙的結他琴音, 一面細味阿爾罕布拉宮輝煌的往事...







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