

約會的博弈論 (Dating Game Theory)

因在Kindle Store看到一本書名為"Numbers behind Numb3rs", 內容是介紹一套美國電視劇"NUMB3RS"劇中描述的數學理論.  所以對這齣'Numb43rs'感興趣而開始了追美劇的生涯......

近日在收看其中一集時主角在討論送甚麼禮物給女朋友時提及了一個有趣的約會的博弈論研究, 果然有點道理!

在倫敦大學學院UCL有兩位數學家以約會經濟學作出有趣的研究, 並在倫敦皇家學會的期刊論文報告。新聞稿提及:


他們認為禮品可以表達男仕的意圖。一件貴重的禮物,可能預示男仕希望維持長期的承諾,但他們又擔心女仕是淘金者, 一旦她得到禮物就打算甩了他。


一件對男子是昂貴奢侈的禮物,但對女人來說是不值錢的 (an extravagant gift, which is costly to the man but worthless to the woman),這樣便能解決問題。

.... 哈哈, 終於有點兒明白為何鮮花仍然是追女仔長青的禮物! 

The dating game theory Fun research from Peter Sozou and Robert Seymour at UCL on the economics of dating. From the press release:

Reporting in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B they analysed the function of a courtship gift and what the characteristics of a ‘good’ gift are.
They show that gifts can act as a signal of a man’s intention. Offering an expensive gift may signal a long-term commitment but the man must be wary of being exploited by a gold-digger who intends to dump him once she gets the gift.
By modelling courtship as a sequential game, they show that an extravagant gift, which is costly to the man but worthless to the woman, may solve the problem.
A costly gift signals the man has long-term intentions but by being worthless to the woman, gold-diggers are deterred.[...]
The researchers constructed two versions of the game with different biological assumptions based on whether the male is involved with parental care.
Attractiveness is relevant to human courtship (model 1). Male condition and female receptiveness are the deciding factors in non-parental care species (model 2). In both cases these were represented as binary variables.
Factors in the game such as whether the male and female found each other attractive were given a probability and the possible outcomes of the interaction, either positive or negative for each player, were given scores to represent the consequences of their decisions.[...]
They considered the ‘fitness’ consequences based on a single courtship encounter involving a male and female. Despite the different biological assumptions, the two models had the same underlying mathematical structure, with both yielding equilibrium solutions in which males predominantly offer costly but worthless gifts as a prelude to mating.

Journal: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B
Date 27/07/05
Title: ‘Costly but worthless gifts facilitate courtship’
Authors: Peter Sozou, Robert Seymour
UCL’s Centre for Mathematics and Physics in the Life Sciences and Experimental Biology, University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT

Another application of game thoery showing in the film 'A Beautiful Mind'.

(Source: http://blog.2ubh.com/2005/07/dating-game-theory.html)
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至愛情歌集(二) -《你的聲音開啟我的心扉》Mon coeur s'ouvre anta voix

你的聲音開啟我的心扉 (Mon coeur s'ouvre anta voix)

你的聲音開啟我的心扉 (Mon coeur s'ouvre anta voix) 是聖桑(CHARLES CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS)一百多年前所寫的一首曲子.  雖然歌劇並不是他作品的主要項目, 但他於1875年創作的歌劇《參遜與黛麗拉》(Samson et Dalila) 中卻有一首非常動聽的詠歎調 - 《你的聲音開啟我的心扉》(Mon coeur s'ouvre anta voix).

這是一首非常淒美的情歌, 因為參遜被這首情歌感動, 聽罷便將他頭髮的秘密告訴了黛麗拉!  每次看到這一幕都讓我感到心痛, 黯然落淚! 自古英雄難過美人關啊!

在歌劇中這首樂曲最後一句'黛麗拉! 黛麗拉! 我愛您!' 是由參遜唱出.   可是, 當這首曲目在音樂會由女中音獨唱時, 最後一句常常會改為'參遜! 參遜! 我愛您!' 意思變得完全相反了.


Plácido Domingo & Olga Borodina - Samson et Dalila
The song starts at 1:20


Original French
Mon cœur s'ouvre à ta voix,
comme s'ouvrent les fleurs
aux baisers de l'aurore!
Mais, ô mon bienaimé,
pour mieux sécher mes pleurs,
que ta voix parle encore!
Dis-moi qu'à Dalila
tu reviens pour jamais.
Redis à ma tendresse
les serments d'autrefois,
ces serments que j'aimais!
|: Ah! réponds à ma tendresse!
Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse! :|
Dalila! Dalila! Je t'aime!

Ainsi qu'on voit des blés
les épis onduler
sous la brise légère,
ainsi frémit mon coeur,
prêt à se consoler,
à ta voix qui m'est chère!
La flèche est moins rapide
à porter le trépas,
que ne l'est ton amante
à voler dans tes bras!
|: Ah! réponds à ma tendresse!
Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse! :|
Dalila! Dalila! Je t'aime


My heart opens to your voice
Like the flowers open
To the kisses of the dawn!
But, oh my beloved,
To better dry my tears,
Let your voice speak again!
Tell me that you are returning
To Delilah forever!
Repeat to my tenderness
The promises of old times,
Those promises that I loved!
|: Ah! respond to my tenderness!
Fill me with ecstasy! :|
Dalila! Dalila! I love you!Like one sees the blades
Of wheat that wave
In the light wind,
So trembles my heart,
Ready to be consoled,
By your voice that is so dear to me!
The arrow is less rapid
In bringing death,
Than is your lover
To fly into your arms!
|: Ah! respond to my tenderness!
Fill me with ecstasy! :|
Dalila! Dalila! I love you!

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至愛情歌集(一) - L'Elisir d'Amore 愛情靈藥

 至愛情歌集(一) - L'Elisir d'Amore 愛情靈藥


愛情靈藥是意大利作曲家董尼采第(Domenico Donizetti)最膾炙人口的喜歌劇之一,作於1832年。 

劇情敘述一位憨厚的鄉下青年,為了追求暗戀已久的農莊女主人,向一位江湖郎中購買所謂的「愛情靈藥」(實則只是一瓶葡萄酒而已),希望能夠獲得美 人芳心的趣事。 

其中讓我印象最深刻的是劇中男主角的一首情歌"Una furtiva lagrima",  旋律十分優美, 當然包括那美妙的巴松管和豎琴前奏.  這首是我的情歌至愛.  每次聽到它的樂聲都讓我如痴如醉... ...

Una furtiva lagrima
negli occhi suoi spuntò:
Quelle festose giovani
invidiar sembrò.
Che più cercando io vo?
Che più cercando io vo?
M'ama! Sì, m'ama, lo vedo. Lo vedo.
Un solo instante i palpiti
del suo bel cor sentir!
I miei sospir, confondere
per poco a' suoi sospir!
I palpiti, i palpiti sentir,
confondere i miei coi suoi sospir...
Cielo! Si può morir!
Di più non chiedo, non chiedo.
Ah, cielo! Si può! Si, può morir!
Di più non chiedo, non chiedo.
Si può morire! Si può morir d'amor.

English Translation
A single secret tear
from her eye did spring:
as if she envied all the youths
that laughingly passed her by.
What more searching need I do?
What more searching need I do?
She loves me! Yes, she loves me, I see it. I see it.
For just an instant the beating
of her beautiful heart I could feel!
As if my sighs were hers,
and her sighs were mine!
The beating, the beating of her heart I could feel,
to merge my sighs with hers...
Heavens! Yes, I could die!
I could ask for nothing more, nothing more.
Oh, heavens! Yes, I could, I could die!
I could ask for nothing more, nothing more.
Yes, I could die! Yes, I could die of love.
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近日在報章上看到有關廣西河池鎘污染事件. 讓我想起早前在閱讀Disappearing spoon時因為對"哥斯拉"的故事有興趣而偶然看到關於鎘的小檔案. 

為何鎘會與哥斯拉扯上關係呢?  因為日本在拍攝哥斯拉電影時, 科學家計劃用鎘製造炸彈來殺害哥斯拉.  劇本會選同鎘因為它曾在日本造成嚴重環境汚染和中毒, 所以它的毒害在日本國民的心中留下深刻印象! 

鎘是一種危害環境的金屬。人類暴露主要從化燃燒石燃料, 水泥生產, 鐵和鋼的生產活動中吸取環境中的鎘。  然而,長期接觸鎘污染的食物和水會讓居民慢性中毒... ...
在第二次世界大戰的幾十年裡, 日本的採礦業讓鎘和其他有毒金屬污染Jinzū河。因此,鎘, 沿河岸下游滲入地下水並積聚在水稻中。 一些當地的貧窮的農民因食用了受污染的大米而引發了長期關節痛, 他們稱為(Itai-itai disease)痛痛病和腎功能異常 。發現後引起社會很大回嚮, 採礦公司也作出了巨額賠償! 

廣西河這次事件只是個別情況而不會引起長期汚染, 影響河邊的農作物!  

Cadmium is also an environmental hazard. Human exposures to environmental cadmium are primarily the result of fossil fuel combustion, phosphate fertilizers, natural sources, iron and steel production, cement production and related activities, nonferrous metals production, and municipal solid waste incineration. However, there have been a few instances of general population toxicity as the result of long-term exposure to cadmium in contaminated food and water. In the decades leading up to World War II, Japanese mining operations contaminated the Jinzū River with cadmium and traces of other toxic metals. As a consequence, cadmium accumulated in the rice crops growing along the riverbanks downstream of the mines. Some members of the local agricultural communities consuming the contaminated rice developed itai-itai disease and renal abnormalities, including proteinuria and glucosuria. (Source: www.wikipedia.org)


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