
Funiculi-Funicula 登山纜車

登山纜車 Funiculi-Funicula


自1888年啟用至今,山頂纜車已服務港人超過 130 年,而在 1989 年啟用的第五代酒紅色兩節車廂列車,亦將於今年6月28日正式退役,進行最後階段的升級工程,而第六代將於本年年底面世。大家如要乘搭這款與我們一起成長的紅色纜車留為紀念, 就要把握時間.

(Source:  https://www.thepeak.com.hk/zh-hant/the-peak-experience/the-peak-tram-upgrade-project)

登山纜車 Funiculi-Funicula

然而在介紹纜車的時候, 讓我想起一首與纜車有關的意大利歌曲 《Funiculi-Funicula》.  究竟登山纜車緩緩地爬坡時發出的聲音是怎麼樣的?是「叩咚叩咚」嗎?意大利人則認為是《弗尼古利——弗尼古拉》的聲音!



1880年那不勒斯(Naple)維蘇威火山纜車開業營運維蘇威火山(Mount Vesuvius)山頂的纜索鐵路它是意大利最先安裝纜車的城市。但是,起初人們都不敢冒險乘坐。為了兜攬生意,纜車公司的老闆請當時頗有名氣的歌曲作家路易茲·丹查(Luigi Denza) 寫一首鼓勵人們乘坐纜車的廣告歌,這就是Funiculi-Funicula《弗尼古利—弗尼古拉》。

曲家丹查採用快速的六拍子,增強了歌曲的律動感,生動地刻畫出纜車上的人們興奮得意的表情。歌曲寫成之後,由於曲調輕快活潑、內容生動,易於上口,很快就在人們蹭傳唱開了。當然,由於歌詞的 號召力,乘纜車遊玩的人也越來越多了。

Original text - Neapolitan dialect

Aieressera, oi' ne', me ne sagliette,
tu saie addo'?
Addo' 'stu core 'ngrato cchiu' dispietto farme nun po'!
Addo' lo fuoco coce, ma si fuie
te lassa sta!
E nun te corre appriesso,
nun te struie, 'ncielo a guarda'!...
Jammo 'ncoppa, jammo ja',
funiculi', funicula'!

Ne'... jammo da la terra a la
montagna! no passo nc'e'!
Se vede Francia, Proceta e la Spagna...
Io veco a tte!
Tirato co la fune, ditto 'nfatto,
'ncielo se va..
Se va comm' 'a lu viento a l'intrasatto, gue', saglie sa'!
Jammo 'ncoppa, jammo ja',
funiculi', funicula'!

Se n' 'e' sagliuta, oi' ne', se n' 'e' sagliuta la capa già!
E' gghiuta, po' e' turnata, po' e' venuta...
sta sempe cca'!
La capa vota, vota, attuorno, attuorno,
attuorno a tte!
Sto core canta sempe
nu taluorno
Sposammo, oi' ne'!
Jammo 'ncoppa, jammo ja',
funiculi', funicula'!


English language text 

Do you know
where I got on, yesterday evening, baby?
Where this ungrateful heart can't be spiteful to me more!
Where the fire burns, but if you
run away it let you go!
And it doesn't run after you,
doesn't tire you, looking at sky!...
Let go on, let go, let go,
funiculi', funicula'!

We go from the ground to the
mountain, baby! Without walking!
You can see France, Procida and Spain...
 I see you!
Pulled by a rope, no sooner said
than done, we go to the skies..
We go like the wind all of a sudden, go up, go up!
Let go on, let go, let go,
funiculi', funicula'!

The head has already got on, baby, got on!
It has gone, then returned, then come...
It is still here!
The head turns, turns, around,
around you!
This heart always sings one of these days Get married to me, baby!
Let go on, let go, let go,
funiculi', funicula'!

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