
假聲男高音歌唱家-雅洛斯基 (Philippe Jaroussky)音樂會

假聲男高音歌唱家-雅洛斯基 (Philippe Jaroussky)

十分期待假聲男高音(Countertenor)歌唱家菲利沛·雅洛斯基(Philippe Jaroussky)於在香港舉行《奥菲歐的故事》音樂會


2023年3月3﹝五﹞| 晚上8:00


菲利沛·雅洛斯基(法語:Philippe Jaroussky,1978年2月13日-)是一位法國假聲男高音(Countertenor)歌唱家。他從拉奏小提琴開始自己的音樂生涯,曾在凡爾賽音樂學院獲獎。他以優美的花腔演唱技巧,對巴洛克淸唱劇和歌劇活靈活現的演繹著稱。

認識他是在學習一首巴洛克時期的樂曲'Flow my tears' 時在youtube看到他的影片, 跟著就迷上了他的音色! 今次可以聽到他現場演唱, 非常興奮!

Philippe Jaroussky, Thibaut Garcia – "Flow, my tears" (Dowland)

"Flow, my tears" (John Dowland)
Flow my tears, fall from your springs
Exiled forever, let me mourn
Where night's black bird her sad infamy sings
There let me live forlorn

Down vain lights, shine you no more
No nights are dark enough for those
That in despair their lost fortunes deplore
Light doth but shame disclose

Never may my woes be relieved
Since pity is fled
And the tears and sighs and groans, my weary days
My weary days of all joys have deprived

From the highest spire of contentment
My fortune is thrown
And fear and grief and pain for my deserts, for my deserts
Are my hopes, since hope is gone

Hark, you shadows that in darkness dwell
Learn to contemn light
Happy, happy they that in hell
Feel not the world's despite

Hark, you shadows that in darkness dwell
Learn to contemn light
Happy, happy they that in hell
Feel not the world's despite

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