


城中熱賣的電話, 威廉也興奮地買了一個給我!  這個要算是早來了的結婚週年禮物!  我看過Wikipedia, 十六週年是Tungsten (燈胆??!!! )  幸好iPhone這份結婚週年禮物實在可愛得多!

這個結合了電話, 照相手機、個人數位助理、媒體播放器以及無線通訊裝置的掌上設備,實在令人很雀躍,  只是用慣PDA 電話的我, 還有很多地方需要適應!  我到現在還只能Sync到Outlook的聯絡人而未能Sync到行事曆呢!  我想還有很多地方要努力解决.

但值得一讚是iPhone上網非常順暢!  只是用GPRS下載電郵及RSS訊息也很快捷.  用PDA 電話時我常常用它看eBooks, 現在找不到好用的閱讀器, 但給我想了一個解决方法 - 我將eBooks以附件上傳至Gmail電郵, 再用iphone開啟, 果然十分順利.  終於又解决了一個問題!

5 則留言:

  1. 不得不佩服蘋果ipone的發明!可惜是不能看Office doc 和Excel file.若可以就perfect!
    [版主回覆07/23/2008 13:59:00]其實是可以的, 只不過不能直接在文件匣中開啟.  如果電郵的附件是Office doc , excel 或pdf, 它都可以開啟閱讀, 所以我唯有將eBooks以附件email給自己了.  只是每次都從頭開啟, 不能bookmark或修改.

  2. Good method!! Thanks
    [版主回覆07/24/2008 09:56:00]But I still cannot sync my 'Outlook' calender with my iPhone.  Very frustrating!

  3. I've the similar problem as sync with Palm. They said I need to bought a software for it but I prefer to type all the data once again. Have you bought any book or brown the Apple web site to solve your problem. May be you will found your answer in the following web-site. http://www.apple.com/support/iphone/
    [版主回覆07/25/2008 10:00:00]Thanks for your advice.  I did some research on forums and FAQ in apple support.  In fact I've followed their suggested steps except the most drastic one - to uninstall my iTune and reinstall it again.  This will be my last step as I've many iPODs and audiobooks account linked with my iTunes, it will take me some time to config them again.  Besides, I've a gut feeling that even I carry out this last step, it will still have problem as both the contact list and calender are in my outlook and in the same .pst file, if there're some connection problems, both contact and calender should not be able to synchronise in my iPhone.  I hope I can resolve the problem this weekend.

  4. 我今日在書展看到有書介紹sync to Outlook 的方法,我想…妳去找找吧。
    [版主回覆07/26/2008 16:15:00]謝謝 !  讓我去找找看看, 今日eZone也介紹了一個可以Sync Google Calender 和 iPhone 的軟件, 我也會試試看!

  5. 真係幸福,生日禮物想要iPhone都無呀
    [版主回覆06/12/2009 17:34:00]但我沒有打算換新iPhone 3Gs, 只是希望能upgrade OS to 3.0 便已經滿足了!
