
Facts of Life

Five undeniable Facts of Life :

- One -

Don't educate your children to be rich.
Educate them to be Happy.
So when they grow up they will know
the value of things not the price

- Two -

Best awarded words in London ...
"Eat your food as your medicines.
Otherwise you have to eat medicines

as your food"

- Three - 

The One who loves you will never leave you 
because even if there are 100 reasons to give up 
he will find one reason to hold on

- Four -

There is a lot of difference between

human being and being human.

A Few understand it.

- Five -

You are loved when you are born.

You will be loved when you die.

In between

You have to manage...!

Nice lines from Ratan Tata's Lecture-

If you want to Walk Fast,
Walk Alone..!
if you want to Walk Far,
Walk Together..!!

Six Best Doctors in the World:-

          5.Self Confidence

(Photo source: https://www.google.com.hk/search?tbm=isch&tbs=rimg%3ACX6B5AN7WSaUIjhDISn2BXjEYyOWqHH8Txk64xiQqUtAQl4tj74CuhaljCWslYrc1cEQtubchi6vtr4cz7h0QFDGrCoSCUMhKfYFeMRjERpDO7u7cNpHKhIJI5aocfxPGToRa9H8fJqH9mcqEgnjGJCpS0BCXhFK0Ctfd6EUECoSCS2PvgK6FqWMEZ8GwmtGX7VdKhIJJayVitzVwRARfcwKfr11PrQqEgm25tyGLq-2vhEdpA28kxqSBioSCRzPuHRAUMasEcNQCGfolmqL&q=children%20and%20parents&ei=TKK7VIXAIeO1mwWotIGYDQ&ved=0CAkQ9C8wAA&dpr=1.1&biw=1745&bih=861)

