
Kiss me, Kate 《刁蠻公主》

 《刁蠻公主》Kiss me, Kate 


《刁蠻公主》Kiss me, Kate 是 1948 年百老匯音樂劇。

這是一部藉由莎士比亞的名劇"馴悍記"穿插在其中描述男女主角先是分開, 後慢慢發現自己的真心, 最後終於又復合的故事。

這音樂劇讓我覺得最有趣的地方是劇作家成功的把莎士比亞的戲劇安排成劇中劇, 並且讓劇外那些劇場人員之間的互動影響到內戲劇的演出一對已離婚的夫妻在台上配合默契,台下又互相吵鬧,讓整部劇的戲劇衝突很強烈,歌舞十分巧妙。


So in love (如此相愛)

Strange dear, but true dear,
When I'm close to you, dear,
The stars fill the sky,
So in love with you am I.
Even without you,
My arms fold about you,
You know darling why,
So in love with you am I.

In love with the night mysterious,
The night when you first were there,
In love with my joy delirious,
When I knew that you could care.

So taunt me, and hurt me,
Deceive me, desert me,
I'm yours, till I die...
So in love... So in love...
So in love with you, my love... am I...

