
迷人的歌劇-阿伊達 (Aïda by Verdi)


今天晚上我和威廉到尖沙咀文化中心欣賞了意大利歌劇"阿伊達"的演出. 數數看已經有年多沒有看歌劇了,  上一次看的是Mozart的Don Giovianni.   雖然阿伊達不是我最喜愛的Verdi曲目,我最愛的是"Rigoletto弄臣",但你一定會很雀躍阿伊達的隆重舞台設計. 每次看Aïda都會很期待看看它第二幕的大型舞蹈.  但說實話, 我卻比較喜歡去年 Don Giovanni

故事:阿依達是被帶進埃及作奴役的埃塞俄比亞公主。拉達米斯是一名戰勝埃塞俄比歸來的侍衞長,而法老王的女兒阿姆納麗絲也很愛他.  最後他郤要在對阿依達的愛和對法老的忠誠兩者之間作出選擇。可悲的是最後阿依達和拉達米斯一起死在火神廟的地下室內。



I went to watch 'Aïda' tonight.  Aïda is not my most favourite opera, I love Rigoletto most, but surely you can enjoy the grandest production in Aida.  In early days, they've even got cows and elephants in the victory grand march scene in Act II.

Story:  Aïda, an Ethiopian princess, is captured and brought into slavery in Egypt. A military commander, Radames, struggles to choose between his love for her and his loyalty to the Pharoh.  To complicate the story further, Radames is loved by the Pharaoh's daughter Amneris, although he does not return the feeling.  Tragically both Aida and Radames died in the vault below the Temple of Vulcan.

The DVD I've got at home casted Domingo as Radames in 1989.

In Youtube, I've found a 1984's production casted Pavarotti as Radames. 

The video clip recorded the beautiful aria 'Celeste Aïda". Let's enjoy Pavarotti's wonderful voice again... 

Celeste Aïda, Radamès's aria from Aïda

Celeste Aïda, forma divina,  Heavenly Aida, divine shape,
Mistico serto di luce e fior,  mystic garland of light and flowers,
Del mio pensiero tu sei regina,  you are queen of my thoughts,
Tu di mia vita sei lo splendor.  you are the splendour of my life
Il tuo bel cielo vorrei ridarti,  I would like to give you your sky back,
Le dolci brezze del patrio suol :  the sweet breeze of the fatherland:
Un regal serto sul crin posarti,  to put a regal garland on your heart
Ergerti un trono vicino al sol,  to build up a throne for you next to the sun
Celeste Aïda, forma divina,  Heavenly Aida, divine shape,
Mistico raggio di luce e fior,  mystic ray of light and flowers,
Del mio pensiero tu sei regina,  you are queen of my thoughts,
Tu di mia vita sei lo splendor.  you are the splendour of my life
Il tuo bel cielo vorrei ridarti,  I would like to give you your sky back,
Le dolci brezze del patrio suol :  the sweet breeze of the fatherland:
Un regal serto sul crin posarti,  to put a regal garland on your heart
Ergerti un trono vicino al sol,  to build up a throne for you next to the sun

(Source 1:   http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/CulturalService/Programme/en/music/oct07/aida.html)                            

(Source 2: www. wikipedia.org)