
深夜小狗神祕習題 (The curious incident of the dog in the night-time)

深夜小狗神祕習題 (The curious incident of the dog in the night-time)

早陣子與大家分享的數學問題(Monty hall problem), 其實是在閱讀以上這本書時踫到的。
這本名為"深夜小狗神祕習題"的故事書是描述一個15歲的自閉症數學天才少年, 克里斯多弗的遭遇.  有天半夜他在家裏附近發現鄰居的小狗被人用鐵叉給活活叉死,他決定要把這個兇手找出來。


"我發現人很矛盾。 關於這點,有兩個主要的原因。
閱讀這本書後, 除了對自閉症的兒童多了一分了解外, 還對自己一些覺得理所當然的邏輯想法多了一點反思!  希望大家也可以用包容的心來接待各樣的人。
本書是作者的第一本小說,2003年一出版便獲得「惠布瑞特年度最佳好書獎」(Whitbread Book of the Year Award)以及「衛報獎」。
                                                                                  (Source: wikipedia)

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time is the first novel written by Mark Haddon.  It won the 2003 Whitbread Book of the Year and the 2004 Commonwealth Writers' Prize for the Best First Book.  
The story is written about Christopher Boone, a 15-year-old boy who has Adperger syndrome.  He is gifted at and focused on mathematics.  
Christopher's mathematical interests are reflected in his numbering his chapters strictly with prime numbers, ignoring composite numbers such as 4 and 6. So the first is Chapter 2, followed by 3, then 5, 7, 11, and so on. 
Christopher thinks a bit like a computer which follows strict logical algorithm and has difficulties in extracting the real meaning of a conversation through people's facial expression and gestures.
After reading the book, it drives me to re-think what is 'logical thinking' in our daily lives.  It is an interesting and somehow enlightening bedtime reading.
                                                                                (Source: www.widipedia.org)

