
The History of Classical Music

 The History of Classical Music

如果大家對古典音樂有興趣, 又不知從那裏開始.  以上是一套很好的音樂歷史有聲書(AudioBook).  我聽有聲書常常出現一個問題, 就是很容易分心.  但這本很不同, 因音樂歷史是很適合作有聲書的. 
第一, 它在說明一些音樂發展的時侯, 會節錄部份樂章來解釋.  這樣比較看書中的五線譜容易把握和理解;
第二, 當它演奏音樂示範時, 你不需要太專心, 精神可鬆一鬆!
這是根據一本音樂歷史書閱讀的.  內容從中古教堂音樂至現代音樂發展.  閱讀者的讀音非常清楚準確, 是一本可在睡前聆聽的有聲書.

The History of Classical Music, is written by Richard Fawkes and read by Robert Powell
This is a very good audiobook.  It explains the musical development and expression from Medieval polyphony, sonata form, serial music to atonal modern music.  The text of the reading is also illustrated by music performances to let the readers have a clear picture of the different musical forms.  
This 4CDs set is a good bedtime story for me.

Reference: http://www.talking-book-store.com/Title.aspx?titleId=29
(Image source: http://www.naxosaudiobooks.com/northamerica/414012.htm)

